I had nothing now, no clothes, and mum and dad was dead. uryu got a place by himself I stayied with Ichigo in the spear room, I was waiting for the insuresins pay ment before I move out I couldn't keep staying here, with the view of the burnt out house. today was there funnel, I was sitting in my room by myself , looking out side , at the rain I was dressed in black, trying to review the day they die the other spriulal energy that was present the red ribbin threw the room, it was a soul reaper , but who,I stood there looking threw the window.

Ichigo knocked on the door "ankane its time to go. "he said ,

he sounded sorrow filled, but he could under stand loosing his mum, buts he has sisters and a dad still alive, "I know." I cried,

"come on." he said ,

I went down stair and isshin his dad was balling his eyes out because he lost his bff, then Ichigo slammed him around the head, "I'm going to walk ."I said walking out the door.

I grab the umbrella and left to the grave yard.

I got there and meet up with the funnel director, he told me what was going on, they wanted something short sweet and simple, uyru turned up with sado ,"I'm sorry for your loss." sado said patting my head,

"I wasn't expecting you to show up, uyru wheres your parents?",

"there coming here they are now ."he sighed,

they came up to me, "wheres my sister?" his dad said,

"in her coffin."I said,

"ones this is done I'm taking her home,",

"no your not she wants to be barred with dad, ",

"your just little kid.",

"no your not its in her will."I yelled ready just to kill him there and then.

"dad stop it your lucky she invited us, "uryu yelled.

"fine. what is to be done. ",

"cremated and spared in the grave site, ",

"all right. to bad my son isn't as smart," he said,

then Ichigo Arrived, and a few people from there work, we went in and they showed the side show I balled my eyes out, and I hide my faces once it was over, they took the  body's to be cremated, my heart broke, I stayed sitting with my head bowed, until everyone left. I went out in the rain and I scenes a hollow, but It was soon killed I got back to the house and Isshin give me some new uniform for school tomorrow, "your not leaving your apart of the family now," he told me.

that night I sences two soul reaper a caption and  litten, I disperaed form my gegui and grab my spirutal energy hiding cloak so I follow rukia from the shadows, I walked behinden them they must of though I was human, uryu showed his faces, but all most got himself kill, I quickly got him out of the way , "what are you doing you idiot there a caption and itenden, you wanting to die," i said.

"who are you." the caption said,

"Byakuya Kuchiki your her brother," i laughed,

they looked shocked I knew who they were . they worn that hard to read, "don't draw your sword unless you can take me renji." I said to him flash stepping be hidden him,

elbowing him in the neck slamming him into the ground then blocking Byakuya  attack with Renjis zunputko. "to slow." I said flashing behind him knocking him down,

"remember this ever with your full power you couldn't take me," I said.

I hand event touch my abbitles only in the flash step. "your genta koj couldn't touch me." I whispered,

Bleach My Hair Sin Free(bleach fan fiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora