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I was in the sakura temple reading and kempage found me, then I left he followed 'I want to cut Something down at lest your be a challenge,'he said like it was a good thing.

'I'm fine.'I relipy heading to met up with shij,

'your have to go. 'he didn't finish I just flashed stepped to squad five chambers,

'yo shinj'I smiled.

'hello ankane how's it being a full soul reaper?' momo asked

'honest 2 months its hard to tell, speaisally the facted I killed myself.'I said,

'you wanna have alittle hollowfiecion spar?'he asked,

'you are as bad as kempaged. only had to hand combat' I smiled at him,

'momo could you go get a squad 4 member I'm bound to get hurt in this. 'he said,

she ran off we went to the training grounds and put the mask on the went for it, our hollowficion skills where even expect I could use a bule cero as a differences. he mask broke and I swiped mine off, 'getting slow old man.'I smiled shaking his hand then he flipped me onto my back,

'you let your grauds down.',

'cheak again.'I said reversing it then getting off him,

the 4 seat came and heal him and went and sat in for tea, 'so what's what the mark on your arm?', he asked,

'its just been there since I died.' I sighed,

'you asked your mum?'he said,

'I can't sinces her spiritual press in any district I went and looked At all but none, its like she was killed.',


'he's dead here to I'm the sakura in the soul soreity.'I sighed,

he places his hand on my head, 'your be fine.' he simply said,

'your like the big brother I never wanted. 'I smiled.

'aren't you nice.',

'I wanted a little sister, 'I smiled.

'right there a caption and lieutenant meeting I must attend I will see you around.',

'bye.' I Went and played with the kids in district out side the wall. then went back to the Sakura.

I didnt like it here I was alone and it was to church like, I was raise by the sword and not to believe in gods, so I leaved it with my bankai, a few Leletirnte lads came to see me, 'can we build a pool on here' Sofin asked,

'No don't like pools they are to small go to the beach. 'I told them then level the second Chuch

  I transform my smaller scthyc back inro the bigger one, 'come on you have Plenty of room. ' rukia said,

the urohono came out, 'come one please.',she said creepy like,

'you dont screy me.' I said .

'we will pay.' rukia said,

'no asked bykurca, I want to do something with the land myself to honour the sakura people but I don't like churchs.'I said so they left,

I was building a spa for myself and a Meroral rock for them. a couple days had past and I done what I want to and It looked good, I went back to the seriter and I was going for food, rukia found me, 'we are going to the beach today and we wanted to know if your come.'she said,

'I'm dead like you and I don't own togs only these robs and one other set of clothes, 'I said

'just say yes. ',


,'meet you at the gate soon. and change.'she growled

, so I got changed into my singlet and shots and went to the gate opening, all the female where there, and a few of the males and byckira was getting dragged alone by rukia, Jorahir opened the gate and we went in and to the surf shop, why the guys when and cleared out the beach I looked threw row after row and find nothing, then crirosa slapped a zabra pattern thing in my faces, 'it matchs your hair!'she said I was extremely imbarrased by that,

'Ankane what about this. 'rukia said.

'this is so degarding.'I said quitly

. then the other ones started shoving things in my faces, I wanted to curl up and die, so I grabbed the Sparky green thing 'this one!' I said a one piece that laces up back and it show my stomach I put it on any way and wore my shorts .

we got to the beach Ichigo was still there he hadn't losted his , sad thing we they were in the same boat but mine have more of a consequence to it, ever way male soul reapers showed up , since jorshro had a tip I sneak off and jumped into the sea. I followed around until watermalons attack. I got back in threwn by one I meritzal my bow and shot it killing it, 'stupid beach watermelons.'I muttered

then walked off to the shack orhime, sado and uryu where there, it only had been two days after that attack, but feeling where raw we didn't talk about it, I sat there and eat ice cream uyru came and sat infront of me, 'dad wants to have a fuennal for you. and people have been ask i Saveng about you I wont know what to say, 'uryu said,

'just tell them I moved away, I might come back yet and take over the useless aphorpe guys job, I aslo get to where a caption type jacket seeing im clan leader well its pattern.',

'I could make you a stylely one. ',

'but you ,you cant'I laughed.

then he his smile changed, and I rises why ,we wont beable to hang out. 'I'm going to I'm you. ',

'shut 'I told him.

'I better get back to work.' he said walking off,

I smacked my head down on the table and slock. 5 hours later it was time to go back to the soul soricty I didn't want to go. but I did. got back I went back to my land now it Was just one big building and a spa for me. I shut the gates and walked of to my room threw the blossom path and went to bed as for tomorrow I had training with buykuca tomorrow seeing he didn't want and he can teach me not to crush people with my Spriteal power.

I got up in . morning ate breakfast in the gardened and lazed around for a bit, just taking in the since then I head out into the serital, to the kukiuce places, I find byukcua and we head out into the derset seeing it was big, and the lessons begin.

I find myself in the middle of ashs as the elements dances around me my bankai was being good , i could use it in genral with out killing any one by accendent it took me 9 months to master, but i didn't no if i could battle with it. 'that's great unactive it now.' buycuka said to me,

'fine.' i said,

i was great full for him helping me but i don't know why he did for i wouldn't of if he tryied to kill me but i could be the facted i was holding back we got back into the serital and i went to the squad one brackets seeing i was invited for tea, i sat there with the group i didn't know what to do but i sat there drinking tea, 'so i have been informed by caption kukickua that you have made great progess with you bankai is that right.'he asked me.

'yes i think i have ill be able to fright for long in my bankai state and not kill ever one around me.' i laughed,

'thats good it looks like you are going to be a great caption when a spot opens,'he said.

'aren't i bit younge to be a caption i only died this year i am 16, every one else has the years that i don't.' i asked him.

'no your be fine.',

'if your sure.' i sigh,

'any way what did you build?',

' a study is that all right i would still like to gain knollged that isn't from this word and build things

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