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-your pov -

i woke up to my alarm buzzing in my ear like its almost begging me to wake up , i began hitting my alarm to stop until it eventually did making my head fly back onto my pillow.

i began opening my eyes once again thinking i had slept for at least a min at most but no it was 4 HOURS LATER . wait what. shit, i jumped up and began to get dressed and ready as " quick "  as i could. long story short . it took my a hour so i was now 5 hours late and absolutely shattered .

i walk down the long corridor preparing myself to be screamed at by Snape who is teaching dada witch i hate anyway but still that's not the point.

 as my walking increases and my lushes hair begins to blow in the wind i see someone mattheo and astoria i stop dead in my tracks at this  and began waiting be hind a brick wall a waited  for them to leave . but they didn't .

why are they together , what is going on , i am going to kill her i sware , thoughts were going threw my head like crazy as i watch them closely.

i hear her annoying laugh and small giggles at everything mattheo says i mean she's practically begging for it at this point , i watch as she grabs his biceps and slapping him lightly after every little laugh.

i could feel tears as mattheo began tucking her jet black hair behind her ear , leaning closer gripping onto her jaw as she moved her hand's to his back the up to his neck .

i couldn't do it anymore so i made the decision  to walk out right in front of them.

i walk out from behind the wall walking right passed them looking stunning not showing a single emotion this left mattheo almost star stuck as his eyes follow me every step i took every movement of my gorgeous hair was followed.

on the other hand astoria was not happy as the minuet i walked past she gave me a look of almost disgust and rage that definitely filled her veins  as she looked up at mattheos stunned face.

the minuet i was out of sight tears filled my eyes , i have always liked mattheo even if he's a man whore of the son of the dark lord . i didn't care and by the looks of it he didn't either going about with my  biggest enemy.

i walk into class with glossy eyes and my music on full blast so i didn't hear my lecture , sitting down i bring out my sketch book and completely shut of scribbling and sketching everything and anything i could.

i knew everyone was looking at me the goody two shoes who now is getting screamed at  for everything under the sun and not giving a shit . tbh i can not believe what iam doing ether. 

the whole class was working. but me. who was crying listening to heaven and back by chase Atlantic.

that's when mattheo and his new pet walk in holding hand swinging them with every step they take . WTF . at this all i could do is push myself out from my desk as loud as i could and walking out faster than ever have before.

- time skip -

i was looking out my window seat still upset about mattheo and what made it worse is i could see him and the other Slytherin boys practicing quidditch SHITLESS to make it worse.

god he's buff i thought to myself witch made it even worse.

not long after pansy walked in. " ok what's wrong " she said harshly closing the door " nothing just annoyed " i said smiling for the first time today " someone who is ' just annoyed ' doesn't all most flip a table and cry for the whole of class , Please tell me what's wrong"  she said softly walking up to " nothing i sware "  i say leaning my head on the window staring at mattheo.

" y/n " she said looking dead at me " what " " what is wrong " she said sternly "I BLOODY LIKE MATTHEO " i said cupping my face afterward " YOU WHAT".....

A/n : short but sweet ;)                 

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