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its been a week since i last saw him. mattheo ofcorse  . pansy was pretty mad i didn't tell her  sooner but she got over it quickly and mattheo well its just been awkward smiles and side eyes no talking just absolute silence .

Y/n pov 

Today is the first day i have left my room since the kiss between ykw and mattheo , it broke me to see him happy kissing a girl that wasn't me , he looked happy free almost. it was and is killing me.

i walk out my room putting in my head phones and playing mattheos birthday gift on repeat , sliding the cosset tape into my pocket and starting to walk to class. i bowed my head in embarrassment feeling everyone's eyes on me.

i began walking through the halls faster to stop the staring and so i wasn't late to slughorns  class. That's when i feel myself colliding with someone making me drop my books and wand.

"  i am so sorry , that was my fau- " " y/n its ok "  mattheo riddle. god of all people him . i look up at the sound of his voice our eyes meeting with one anthers , his eyes were filled with lust as he looked down at me.

" oh mattheo again i am so sorry " i say still making direct eye contact using the triangle method witch  mangled  his Harte strings " you-r fine " he barely gets out bending down reaching for my stuff , his hands as strong as boulders . god i love them . his rings as well omg .

" want one " he said lifting his head his eyes meeting with me once again " what " i said taking out an ear phone " my rings do you want one " he said taking off his ring very seductively placing it in my hand , i smile " thank you " " what you listening to ? " he asked changing the subject , to this i took my tape from my pocket and waved it saying " on repeat ".

his smiles light up he room sending shivers down my spine . god he's gorgeous . " i know " he said walking away from me. shit i have got to stop that . Jesus i say to my self in sheer embarrassment walking to my next class that mattheo just had to be in.

 - In class -         

 i walk into class scanning the room for my group but mainly mattheo , i sat down with my group and placed our amimortentia in front of us that's when the door swung open leaving absolute silence in the room until Astoria broke it screaming out his name , " MatTHeo " i mocked making my whole group burst into laughter.

Slughorn eventually quieted down my group telling us if we didn't shut up we would go first witch i did not want to do.

" ok class as you have worked offlay hard on these its finally time to show the class to test if you have done it right  , you will nominate one person from your group to smell yours and everyone else's if that person smells the same thing each time we know you have done it correctly " 

the minute they words came out his mouth all my group touched there noses insinuating  there not it .  all except mattheo who i sware done that on purpose.

" ok who's first " Slughorn said to this  all the golden trios hand shot up " harry, Ron, Hermione on you go ". hermione was the one smelling it and she clearly smelt Ron i knew there was something going on between then god.

this went on for what felt like years until it was finally our groups turn . i knew mattheo was going to smell astoria  as astoria smelt him tRuE LoVe as she would say. 

i watched mattheo as he took a whiff of the magical pink potion standing up he says " emm i smell " i could practically see astoria edging off her seat in anticipation but i mean so was i.

" emm vanilla , roses and sweet perfume " i stopped in my tracks as i look him dead in the eyes he smelt me....     

A/n: umm Chile anyways so. have a lovely day also i didn't proof read as usual so i am so sorry if something is wrong <33

my only love / Mattheo riddle x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now