Chapter 126-130

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Chapter 126 Two Masters

The sound of messy footsteps mixed with voices slowly moved from far to near. It sounds like a group of people are coming. Hearing movement, they stopped talking. With the tip of her ears, Xiao Yu heard a familiar voice, and immediately ran out.

Two men walked into the house with Xiao Yu.

The man walking in front hugged Xiao Yu, and was startled when he saw two strangers in the room. The man has beautiful big eyes, thick and slender eyelashes, like a small fan, and the eyes are as clear and clean as a teenager. He blinked at a loss, and turned his head to look at the man behind him in a panic, as if he didn't know how to face this situation.

The man following him also saw Song Yi and Wei Wei.

He took off his hat and scarf as he walked forward, revealing his messyly cut hair. Although the hair is messy and the beard is unshaven, he still can't hide his handsomeness, and his slovenly appearance gives people a sense of handsomeness. He brushed and pulled his messy hair smartly, but even so, the messy hair didn't look much better, and some disobedient strands still stood firm and upright.

He looked at them and said with a smile: "Hey, there are guests at home. I'm sorry, I was working outside just now. I don't know that there are people at home. Hello, I'm Zheng Lan. What do you call me?"

Song Yi stepped forward to hold his hand, and said, "Hello, my name is Song Yi, and this is my wife, Gu Weiwei."

Zheng Lan politely smiled and nodded to say hello.

Zheng Lan had a warm smile on her face, showing her big white teeth, which made people feel very close. But Wei Wei senses the vigilance and defense hidden deep in his eyes. He unobtrusively used his tall body to block the man holding Xiao Yu in front of them, blocking their sight.

Staring at Zheng Lan's face for a moment, she always had a sense of familiarity, as if she had seen it somewhere before, but she really couldn't remember it. Zheng Lan, she searched for this name in her memory but found nothing, where did she see it?

"I don't know why you two came to my house." Zheng Lan asked with a smile.

"oh we are"

When she knew that they were only here to buy books, the guard in Zheng Lan's eyes dropped slightly, and the man hiding behind him was obviously relieved.

Not just looking for trouble.

"What a coincidence, the other two families who have books also came back with us just now, let's go, I'll take you there right away. Speaking of which, few people would buy these these days, and they were just used to start a fire when they were picked up back then. I really didn't expect to let this little girl be sold out today."

With that said, Zheng Lan was about to take the two of them to the next door.

Unexpectedly, a sudden change occurred.

Professor Yan, who was lying on the bedside, suddenly clenched his fists and covered his chest, his body curled up slowly, with a pained expression, and intermittent groans and groans from the corners of his mouth. After a while, in this cold weather, a layer of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

"Grandpa, grandpa, what's the matter with you, what's the matter?"

The man who had been hiding behind Zheng Lan and hugging Xiao Yu immediately put down the child and dashed to the bed.

"Grandpa, grandpa!"

what happened? The old man doesn't look well. Could it be that he has a heart attack?

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