8. First mission?!

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A longer chapter since i'm so nice(fr) 😼🧌

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It had been a month since Izuku disappeared. Bakugo knew Izuku was most likely dead and that he wasn't delusional.

"Dammit! Why'd he need to do that?! I'm so sorry.." Bakugo was just still sad. He was in his bedroom crying to himself. "I really am stupid." Bakugo mumbled.

'I should give up on being a her-' Bakugo thought. 'No, I can't. Thats not what Izuku would want. I need to keep going. And I won't give up until i'm at the top!' Bakugo thought. He was more determined than ever.

_ _

Izuku had been training a lot with the lov. He was pretty strong now. He was just training a little alone. Then Shigaraki came.

"Hey, Shiggy!" Izuku said as he stopped training and looked at Shigaraki and smiled. "Hey, Izuku." Shigaraki said.

"What's on your mind?" Izuku asked. "Actually, I think it's time for your first mission, Izuku. You're powerful enough for it. So.. what do you say?" Shigaraki said.

Izuku gasped "Omg! Ofc I want to! What's the mission?" Izuku asked excitedly. He was excited like a little kid who was about to get candy.

"Listen here..."

_ _

It was the time for the mission. Izuku, Toga and Dabi were sent to end a hero. Izuku was very excited. He was also wearing his new villain costume.

A dark green bunny hoodie and some black sweat pants. He also had a mask to cover his face.

(With more details pls i'm lazy rn it's 10.30 pm and it's a school night. "But that's not even la-" shut up. I'm exhausted. I have so long school days.)

They were about to break in into the heroes house to end the hero. "Ready Izu.?" Toga asked. Izuku nodded.

They broke in without setting off the alarm. They walked around the house quietly looking for the hero. They all split up since the house wasn't that small, It was actually quiet big.

_ _

Izuku found himself in a kitchen. It was really fancy with fancy essentials. And a lot of good food. 

Izuku ignored the food and went on with his mission. 'Where could that hero be..?' Izuku thought. Izuku walked out of the kitchen. He found himself in a fancy dining room.

Izuku looked around. There was a large table with 8 chairs. The table had a table cloth covering it. It was a really fancy room. But something just felt off almost. Izuku heard footsteps. 

Izuku panicked and looked for a place to hide. 'Dammit?! Where do I go..' Izuku thought then he found a risky spot but better than nothing.

Izuku was under the table. If he got found he could use his knife, so Izuku held the knife in his hand and waited.. 

He saw a pair of legs from under the table. Could that be the hero? Izuku stayed quiet and still. Then the person began to take a seat on one of the chairs. The chair was right in front of Izuku. Izuku panicked. 

The person was now seated and Izuku tried to keep away from the legs.. But it was hard. Izuku just stayed still. 

After some time.. maybe around 10 minutes the person stretch their legs out. 

There it was. The person now felt something under the table. The person quickly reacted and was about to look under the table. Izuku was stressing and panicking so much at this point. 

Izuku was praying for a miracle to happen. Something that only happens in cartoon stories. Izuku closed his eyes. 

The person looked under the table. They saw Izuku. Everything was over now, he'd been seen. "WHO ARE YOU?!" The person yelled surprised to see a person under the table. 

Izuku opened his eyes and saw the hero. It was time now. Izuiu acted quickly and got up from under the table. Trying to seem innocent still. "I got lost and I guess I went into your house. I thought it was abounded. I'm sorry." Izuku apologized with a lie.

The hero looked at Izuku. "What the actual f*ck?! You're an idiot! You should go die." The hero said. And more similar stuff. Izuku was shocked.

He knew heroes was f*caked up but this much? Nahhh.. this is too much. 

"I said i'm sorry.." Izuku mumbled looking to the ground. The hero ignored this. 

"You know, hero's are f*cked up." Izuku said as he looked up and smirked. The hero stared at Izuku. "What?" The hero said, now noticing the knife Izuku was holding.

The hero quickly tried to do something to stop Izuku.. but Izuku had already stabbed the hero in the stomach. The hero looked at Izuku in horror, holding the wound.

"V-Villain!" The hero said. The hero then tried to fight Izuku. But Izuku was stronger than expected. And due to the heroes wound, the hero was much weaker. 

Izuku would win with no match even. The hero tried to punch Izuku in the face. Izuku dodged it. Then the hero used their quirk. Wich was quirk manipulation. The hero tried to manipulate Izukus quirk, but failed.

"Dammit.. why won't my quirk work?!" The hero yelled in frustration. Izuku smirked. "I'm quirkless." Izuku said as he stared into the heroes soul.

"W-What?! Aren't quirkless people.. weak..?" The hero yelled. Izuku smirked wider. "Dont underestimate people next life." Izuku said before stabbing the hero again. This time in the hearts no more violent.


The hero fell to the ground. "B-B*tch.." The hero said as their last words. Izuku was smiling seeing the hero's life end right in front of his eyes.

A pool of blood formed around the hero's now lifeless body. Izuku took out a container and filled it with some blood. Then he fled the scene.

_ _

Dabi and Toga were waiting for some kind of alarm. They had chosen that when they killed the hero that they would set off the alarm. And so Izuku did. Izuku set off an alarm then ran outside to the meeting spot. 

Then Toga and Dabi came. "I did it! And I got you some blood Toga." Izuku said with a proud smile. "Omg! Izu you're the best!" Toga said as she took the blood Izuku was holding.

"Okay let's go before the other hero's and police come." Dabi said. Izuku nodded started to run. But Dabi grabbed Izukus shoulder. "We can teleport with Kurogiri idiot." Dabi said. Izuku just got the 'OHHH RIGHT' reaction or whatever you call it.

Then a portal appeared and they all went into it.

_ _

They went out of the portal and meet Shigaraki. "So howd it go?" He asked. Izuku smiled. "It went great! I was the one who killed the hero. I even got some of their blood and gave it to Toga." Izuku said proudly.

"That's not bad at all." Shigaraki chuckled. "Now they're out of the way." Shigaraki said with a grin. "You all should rest now, it's 1 am." Shigaraki said. Izuku gasped "1 AM?! ALREADY?" He asked confused, It was 11 pm when they left.

Izuku went to his bedroom, feeling proud with the day's activities. He got read6 for bed and went to sleep. 

The day had been filled with a bunch of activities that were exciting. Izuku first mission!? It's crazy how much Izuku had improved in the span of 2 months. 

2 months ago he was just bullied and a nobody really... Now he was a villain. And he was actually strong. And he would continue to grow everyday, everyday he would learn more stuff about villains and heroes.

He would become smarter everyday. One day he would be the number 1 villain.. hopefully. One day he would finally defeat his biggest enemy's. But that day wasn't here yet.. maybe in some years or months...

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This was so much fun to write. I even thought at the under the table scene that Izuku would discover a quirk. A invisibility quirk.. but I was like. "How does he explain to the other people." and stuff. + I didn't rlly like the idea 😭😭

ANYWAY ILY YALL STAY SAFE AND REMEMBER YOUR SPECIAL. Cya next chapter my small goblin baess 🧌🧌

☆ (words: 1348) 

Young villain (Middle school v. Deku)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ