10. Hype up for tomorrow!

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It was a year ago Izuku had disappeared now. Where he'd been was actually at the LOV. Being a new villain. And he's been successful with it.

He's killed so many people! Around 500 already. Not bad for a newbie. Anyway.. Izuku was at a mission with Twice and Toga.

"Izuku, go get the diamond and Toga get some blood from the guards. Twice to make sure that Izuku is safe while he steals the diamond. Make sure no one goes into the room while Izukus there." Shigaraki said to then through a walkie-talkie.

Izuku and Twice nodded and ran towards the room with the diamond. Toga ran towards the guard. 

Izuku arrive at the room. Twice is guarding the door to the room. 

Izuku walk in. Theres invisible lasers. 'Sh*t' Izuku thinks. Then he gets an idea. He talks through the walkie-talkie. 

"Twice to disable the lasers." Izuku said. Twice responded shortly after. "Okay Izu. Be careful while i'm not guarding the door. It wouldn't be good if you get hurt." Twice said.

Izuku just stood by the door. Making sure no one walk into the room. Because if someone would Izuku would need to fight them. And if he didn't win he'd be arrested most likely. Since the space in the room is small. It's hard for Izuku to fight in small spaces.

5 minutes pass. The lasers are still there. Izuku can see this trough the red light on the wall next to a text saying. 'Lasers are on'. The text was on a small led thing.

After some time the light turn green and the text switches to. 'Lasers are off'. Izuku smirks. 'Thanks Twice.' He thinks then walks to the diamond.

Izuku quickly switch out the real diamond to a fake diamond copy. 'There we go!' Izuku thinks as he places the fake diamond. But wait.. shouldn't there be more security than just lasers?..

Izuku realize something. The room has a special security system. Designed to trick thieves into thinking the only security is the lasers. But as soon as Izuku close the door to the room.. the alarm will go off. 

Izuku thinks about how to disable this alarm. It seems almost impossible. Izuku looks around the room.

It was small and felt claustrophobic almost. There was also white walls. And on the floor there was a red carpet leading to the container with the diamond in it.

Izuku saw, in the corner of the room there was some wires almost. Izuku walk towards them. They probably were for the alarm or even lasers. 

Izuku takes out his pocket knife and begin to cut the wires. 1 is off. The led text and green light turn off. 

Then another wire is off. The lights turn off. Then another wire. It probably turned off the lasers. Then the last wire was for the alarm. 

"There! Easy." Izuku mumbled proudly. Izuku walked towards the double steel door and opened it. Seeing Twice outside it. Izuku gave Twice a thumbs up meaning he was successful.

Twice expression changed from worried to a smile. Then Izuku walked into the room were Twice was and closed the door. The alarm didn't go off! So lucky!

Then they run to Toga and the 3 of them fled back to the base.

_ _

At the base they talk to Shigaraki.

"So how'd it go?" Shigaraki asked. "It went well for me! I got some well deserved blood!" Toga said with a smile. "Okay, good." Shigaraki said as he looked at Toga

"How about for you 2?" Shigaraki asked as he looked at Izuku and Twice. "It went good! I got the diamond and i'm pretty sure no one tried coming into the room." Izuku answered. Twice nodded.

"Okay that's great. Go rest we're attack UA tomorrow." Shigaraki said. Izuki, Toga and Twices eyes lit up. "UA?! LIKE UA HIGH?" Izuku asked clearly excited.

Shigaraki nodded. "AHHH!! THATS SO COOLL! I CANT WAIT!" Toga squealed. Twice was crying happy tears for some reason. 

_ _

So uhm.. sorry about late post but yes. Uh... IM BACK BAE.

Anyway this chapter seems cool. LIKE 370 WORDS ALMOST GOT DELETED DUE TO MY CACA WIFI HELP.

ok cya.

(words: 685)

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