Chapter 52 - Graduation Day

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Rabecca Reinhart

It's graduation day and this morning has been nothing but hectic, we're moving out so half of my dad's closet is already shipped to Europe and turns out the suit that he meant to wear for my graduation is inside of the box that has been shipped to our new home . Which leave Emma and I pretty furious at him because how can an adult like him be this clumsy? We had to go for a last minute shopping yesterday which made us pretty exhausted. But hey, I've never experienced going shopping and watch my dad and soon to be mom choosing suits and dress for my graduation, it was exhausting but we're also unlocking a new core memory.

Things like that makes it harder for me to decide wether I want to stay here alone in the middle of this house but with Adriel, or moving out so we can have more fun time like that in Europe. I wish this marriage will last long, days ago I compared my mom's and Emma's personality and it cane out very different. When dad meets mom they were like fire meets fire, while when Emma meets dad it's like fire meets water which is balance and of course I'm very happy to see my dad to be this happy.

Emma slowly become my best friend that I can share anything with, never have I ever imagine that my step mom would be like this. I've been loosing a mom figure for a while and sometimes it just a little harder to stand on my two feet alone, wondering 'oh having a mom right now to listen to any of my problem/or to decide which dress is best for me might be nice' but now I have Emma. But in the end it also reminds me of those dark days, worst days of my life, and Adriel was always there making sure that I was okay. It makes me realize that he is as important as my dad and Emma.

"Ready to go?" Emma asked as she walks out of her room with a formal baby blue dress, she looks so fashionable and she always look very elegant.

"Yes, where's dad?" I asked.

"Well, you know him," she rolled her eyes then I chuckle.

"Have you ate your breakfast?" She asked then I nodded.

"Do you think my lipstick is okay if I wear this one,"

"Yeah you look perfect," she nodded then I nodded.

"Okay I'm ready let's go," Dad said walking out of his room then we went straight to the lobby since we're almost late, or we're actually late.

I know that it's very close to their wedding day and I thought they would be busy and forgot about my big day, but they don't, they pay fully attention for my day and it makes me feel special and it feels so nice. Talking about their big day's coming, it means that the time I'll be leaving is also coming and Adriel and I are still in the state where we haven't finished talking about it.

We arrived at school where I can see so many people wearing their navy gowns and hats, we got into the field where it filled with some chairs for us. I look for my name and my names happened to be at the front row, my eyes are looking around until I spot Adriel is already sitting in his seat, and it broke my heart knowing that we both are confused.

Caroline suddenly came then sit next to me, I don't know why we ended up sitting next to one another but her name happens to be appeared right next to me.

"Hi," she whispered.

"Hi," I said.

"I can't believe this day has finally come," she holds my hand with a big smile on her face, and this time I look at her in sadness knowing that we'll live in a different country with a different time zone after this.

"I know it's a cliche things to say but I'm glad that I have you along the way," I said to her while she only stay in silent, like she doesn't know what to say.

"Stop, I don't wanna cry now, just not right now," she said while still holding my hand.

"I've started packing last night and I had to stop couple of times, I just can't," she said.

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