Chapter 53 - Dinner with his family

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Rabecca Reinhart

Adriel texted me that he's outside already, just like how he planned, he's right on time. He is always right on time and that is one of the things that I admire from him. Emma and dad are out of the house, they decided to have dinner outside so it's just me in the house. I walk out of the lobby to see a black Mercedes benz parked right outside the lobby, not only his car but I found him standing there with a suit. Just like what I've always said, Adriel always looks so damn good in suit it makes me blush by just staring at him.

He leans on his car with a bouquet of red roses in his hands, his eyes are scanning me from up to toe.

"Wow," he said which makes me smile, I walk closer to him before he kisses my cheek.

"Here," he handed me the bouquet of flowers.

"Thank you," I said looking up at his blue eyes,

"Yeah," his hand is running against my bare back since I wear a black satine dress that shown my back.

"You look so beautiful," he suddenly said which makes me blush, it's funny that small things from him can make me feel so special and shy at the same time.

"You also look so nice," I said while running my hand against his cheek, he chuckles before those lips slowly kissed my wrist.

"We should go now, I don't wanna be late," he said then I nodded.

He opens up the door for me then I walk inside, I put the bouquet on the back seat hoping that it'll last until we finished dinner tonight. He began to drive the car to the restaurant, which took about 30 minutes for us to get there. He gave the car key to the valley guy before both of us got in, turns out that most of them are already here. It seems like his family booked the entire restaurant cause there's no one there except us and his family which of course feel so intimate.

There are his grandparents, uncle and aunt, except aunt Alicia cause I don't see her. She must be out of the town since she works in different places almost everyday. We got in and everyone greet us, the first people that greet us is his grandparents.

"Oh here they are," his grandma said getting up from her seat, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"So what did I miss??" She asked then Adriel and I could only laugh.

"They're together now, grandma," Azura said who's sitting next to her.

"Oh really?! Finally," she said looking at me, like they know this thing is going to happen.

"Oh how cute," his other grandma said.

"Come on moms let them take their seats, they're probably are hungry," Lana suddenly said which makes them left us then we walk into our seats.

"Hi Lana," I walk pass her then she gave me a kiss on the cheeks,

"Hi sweetheart," she said before getting back to her seat.

"Go order what you want, we've already ordered ours," she said then I nodded before walking to the empty seat where Adriel has already pulled out the chair for me.

"Thanks," I said then he nodded.

He sat next to me and we happened to sit right in front of his cousins, Jacob and Elle. They all are wearing a formal suits and dresses, well I guess they're used to this kind of intimate dinner and it's not too much for them because they've been living like this their whole lives.

"Hi," I said hi to Evan as he could only smile.

"Great speech anyways," I said to him then he chuckles.

It isn't always about love - (BOOK 5)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu