Chapter 10 - Going home

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Rabecca Reinhart

The game is over the eagles win! Yay I knew it they'll win today. The game is over and everyone is heading out of the field but many of them are filling the field to take pictures together and stuff, the field feels more crowded and here I am sitting on the football players bench alone with a bottle of water. My throats feel so dry and I feel so thirsty after yelling for an hour, and I feel so tired to jump around with the pompom and thight high ponytail on.

"Hey Evan," I say before he takes a sit right next to me like he doesn't really enjoy the glory.

"Congrats," I say then he looks at me.

"Thanks," he smiles.

"Hey! Good game!" Adriel suddenly popped out of nowhere.

"Congrats this time you finally prove that you're not a fool," Adriel says which only makes Evan simply smiles.

"What happened?" Adriel asks.

"Didn't see Amanda, her friend told me she went home," Evan says then I frown.

"Maybe she's not feeling well," I say.

"Wait, you didn't know that I know or you did know that I know," I say to Evan then he looks up at me smiling.

"All I know is if I tell Adriel you'll automatically know so.., I technically knew," he says then I nodded.

"Oh here we go," Adriel says while looking at someone behind Evan and I, which technically make us turn our heads around to see none other than Azura.

"You! are stupid!" Azura says which makes me smiles, seeing Azura argued with Adriel is one of my favorite thing. These two can be hilarious and I feel like I have someone to help me yelling at him.

"You didn't call me!" Adriel trying to defend himself.

"I did! your phone is dead!" Azura says while trying to slap his ass.

"But at least you got a ride from your boyfriend," Adriel says while keep running away from Azura.

"What boyfriend?" Evan asks and I can only laugh, this family drama is always like a reality show.

"He's not my boyfriend!" Azura says.

"Kenzo he's my friend," she says.

"Now Adriel let's go home,"

"Home? How about the party we won!" Adriel asks.

"I don't care I'm so tired let's go," Azura says then Adriel looks down at me.

"I can always call my driver you know," I look at him then he nodded.

"Bye everyone I'm driving this little wild pig home," Adriel says before he laughs which again annoyed Azura.

"Guess I gotta go Evan, good game," I say before getting up leaving him sitting at the bench.

"Bye," he says.

Everyone is still taking pictures chattering with their friends at the field, but I feel like I don't want to be the last one left in school because it can be real creepy.

I got into the changing room to collect my pompom and get my bag before headed into the lobby. It's better to wait for my driver there rather than inside of the school, glad the hall is still full of people. Again I don't want to be the last one who left school.

Our school lobby is so hectic and full of people, I can't really separate which one is from our school which one doesn't because there are so many people here it's more crowded than how I expected. I try to dial Caroline's number because there's no way both her and jack are leaving me because we always wait for one another.

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