Chapter 1: The Beginning

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"Watch where you are going asshole!"

Well, that was a great way to start this morning. Getting screamed at by a random guy while rushing to get to school as fast as I could, and still arriving late. Well, at least there wasn't anything special that day, so there wasn't any problem...right?

"Aaron Woods, it's the 5th time this week that you've arrived late, so you can certainly find time to write down a letter of apologies to me."


Of course the day of my 21st birthday I was getting picked on by the professor for this. But, it was my fault really so I paid it no mind, and I just walked to my desk, ignoring every look the others where giving me in between silent chuckles and I sat down, starting to take notes after a loud sigh.

"Calm down Aaron, it's nothing much, you don't need to make a fuss about it"
I thought to myself as I scribbled words down an empty page of the notebook.

And then, the class door opened again, and Miss Popularity herself, Carol Howard, walked in with another girl, giggling like some kind of hyenas seeing the corpse they were ready to ravage.

"Can I ask why the two of you were so late? The class is already about to finish, misses" said Mr. Mulligan turning around from the chalkboard, looking at the girls through his old and scruffy glasses.

"We were caught in traffic Mr!" the first rebutted in laughter, as the more popular one added "Don't worry about it! We are here are we not?" accompanied by another laughter.

It's been three minutes and the two of them are already annoying as hell. And guess what? A seat was free next to me.

"Please...not her. I swe-"
"Can I sit here, dweeb?"

I turned around to look at the smiling girl, the friend of Miss Popular, and after cursing under my breath, I just nodded slightly, moving my notes away to make her space as she sat, still smiling and giggling.

As the lesson went on, I found myself glancing at her every once in a while, disturbed by her continuous snickers and whispers on the phone, having a conversation about whatever party they had last night.

How boring...

"Don't forget about the exam next week! Woods, remember to come on time."

And with that last hilarious joke, the teacher dismissed the class and after putting my things in my bag, I felt my phone vibrate through the pockets of my black jeans, and after picking up the call, I heard a low, raspy voice coming from the other side.

"Happy birthday you asshole! How are you?"

Dad said with a happy tone, with my mother chuckling behind him.

"Fine, I woke up late but it wasn't anything special. How are the two of you? Miss me already after last week?" I rebutted with a smile, holding my phone near my ear while I picked up the bag and let it hang on one shoulder, making my way to the door.

"All good. We just wanted to say hi and wish you a very happy birthday! We love you son, and we always will. Have a good day!"

And after exchanging goodbyes, I slowly walked down the crowded corridor, ruffling my hair a little as a small headache made its way inside, before I stumbled back as someone hits my left arm, making us fall down together.

"What the f-"
I couldn't even finish the phrase that I heard someone saying the same thing I was told that morning.

"Watch where are you going asshole!"

A female voice that time could be heard, and I lowered my gaze to see Miss Popularity, Carol Howard herself sitting there, with her right hand on her forehead and an angry look on her greenish eyes.

"I could say the same thing to you, teacup"
I responded back, slowly helping myself to stand up straight and held my hand out to her.
"You alright there?"

But my help got immediately rejected with a slap, while her cheery, bright voice was now tinted with an arrogant and rude attitude as she hurled back, glaring at me with an angry look that could even cut through diamond "Shut up dweeb, I'm not in the mood." And after getting up, she walked away immediately, followed by what seemed an entourage of people that glared at me like I was a damn cockroach.

"Tsk...what a great day" I thought to myself as I made my way opposite to hers, turning to the right into the cafeteria, holding up my phone to respond to some texts.

"Hope I won't see her again for this semester at least."
I muttered to myself before grabbing a tray and going to take some food.

How stupid I was to think that.

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