Chapter 4: Fission and Fusion

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Now I am become Death
Destroyer of worlds

And with that, I ended my first presentation of the semester, one I wrote about the whole "Manhattan project" and J Robert Oppenheimer. Fortunately, the professor asked us to do one about something that we were interested in.

A charming, communist and womanizer that was the opposite of that at the same time; a self destructive little man who created one of the most infamous things of all.

How could I not be interested in his life?

After finishing my presentation, I was quite happy with the result. A smile grew on Mr. Allen's face as he told me that he had never seen such a good presentation about the subject, and after a shake of the hand, I quickly walked back to my seat, while Ethan looked at me with a proud gaze, and Carol with an angry one.

After sitting down, I glanced for a moment at her, my eyes meeting hers for only a second before she turned away instantly, seemingly jealous about my work.
I just shrugged it off, opening my laptop while the next person started their presentation.

I worked tirelessly for a month, all the while this girl continued to give me angry looks since the day that we talked under that oak tree.

Was she planning something?

Well, since it didn't concern me, I just ignored her basically all the time; until the 20th of April, when I couldn't anymore.

I was rushing down the corridor trying to get to class, when out of the blue I get pushed by someone and I almost fall down, while I hear laughters and murmurs. And when I looked up, there she was, pointing at me with a devilish grin.

"Oh look! It's the dweeb! Sorry I guess~"

She said, looking at me while I stood up in front of her, slowly grabbing parts of my hair to put back into a little ponytail, before responding,

"Don't care, just leave me alone teacup, I'm not in the mood"
"Oh you are not in the mood, asshole?"

She growled back, coming closer to tighten the gap between, as she looked up at me with what was supposed to be an angry look...I guessed at least.

"Yeah, now if you'll excuse me-"
I said, moving her to walk past but getting immediately thrown back by a boy in her little group.

"You are not going anywhere asshole, I'll show you how you need to treat me."

She said, flicking her fingers. And suddenly, I was surrounded by four different guys, ready to throw me down and beat me up, at least that was their plan.

"Aaron! What's happening!?"
A voice yelled from the back of the group, and Ethan was there, backed up by Noel.
"Leave him alone, you i-"

But in a moment, a sudden pain grew on my cheek, as I felt my skin rip a bit and a red, metallic liquid was slowly making its way outside, and I stumbled back a little, sighing as Ethan pushed the guy back, incredibly angry.

"What the hell are you doing?! Are you stupid?"
He growled, as the group laughed like maniacs while he checked up on me.
"Are you alright man? That's fucking low of them." said Ethan, with a hand on my chin.

"I'm fine don't worry, they aren't anything special, this dogs sure love to bark huh?"

I said back, wiping away some of the blood chuckling, as I immediately caught their attention back to us, and looked at me with rage filled eyes.

"What you say, little pussy?"
One asked, grabbing me by the collar of the shirt, trying to look as menacing as possible.

But before the others could do anything, I slammed his head onto the lockers, a loud thud could be heard along the corridor, as the guy slid down groaning to the floor, and a sigh left my mouth.

"Now, can you shut the fuck up for a moment?"

I muttered, moving a part of my hair back while looking at the group, now shocked but trying to look like they wanted to continue fighting.
And in this mess, Carol was just standing there, biting her nail as she got even more angry.

"Look girl, I really don't know what the fuck is wrong with you, but just let me live in peace alright?"
I said, looking directly at her before turning away and walking to the bathroom with Ethan, as I could feel looks on me from all the other people that were there in the hallway.

But my mind was only filled with other thoughts...
"Why did I let that part of me take control again?"

"Don't worry man, you are fine."
My best friend's feathery voice shook me back into the real world as I entered the bathroom to wipe away the blood and check the cut I received on my left cheek.

"They sure are suckers huh? Maybe I sh-"
"No, Ethan. It's nothing really, don't worry."

I cut him off, as I slowly grabbed some water in between my hands to rinse my face off, flinching a little as a soft but annoying pain grew on that little slit.

"That girl really is troublesome huh?"
I said, wiping away the water with some paper, my thoughts running around in circles, darting around through my actions, her attitude, and the whole situation.

And then, as I put my AirPods on and I could hear the music fill up my head, they all reached a simple, yet perfect phrase to sum it up.

I hated her.

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