Chapter 3: The Trouble Starts

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You know that feeling, right?
That something is going to happen even though nothing is going wrong.

Well, that was exactly how I was feeling that day, the 18th of March. It had been a week since the last nightmare, and it was the day of the dreadful exam. I studied? Yeah.

Was I prepared? Absolutely not.

And there I was, sitting at my desk with the paper in front of me, as I wrote down basically everything, while somehow keeping my anxiety away.

Mostly anyway, while from the other side of the classroom Noel, another of my friends, was gesturing me to tell him the answers, getting from me only chuckles and a head shake, as the professor walked by him and scolded him.

"Man, why didn't you tell me? I was in a really bad spot in there!"
"That's exactly why I didn't, stupid."
I replied back laughing with him and Ethan as we walked down the corridor.

Noel was fairly taller than me, and he was basically the classic jock. Good looks, short brown hair and green/blue eyes, captain of the basketball team and blah blah, you already know the cliches of the jocks. The only thing that was different was that he was actually a great guy...mostly.

I mean, he got into fights and partied a lot but he was trustworthy, even for me.

"I'm soooo hungry! I could eat the entire cafeteria." He said while moving back a part of his hair back with his right hand, as we entered the large place, packed with people laughing and chatting loudly.

But something was wrong...I could feel it, so much in fact that a shiver went down my spine, and Ethan immediately noticed, as one of his eyebrows raised and mouthed "Are you okay?"

I just nodded, hoping that I was just wrong...but no, something was really going to happen, I could feel it.

"Hey, imma go smoke one, I'll come back in a minute alright?" I muttered to the two of them with a smile, before I made my way to the door, exiting and after walking down the corridor again, I leaned towards the white wall full of lockers, feeling so...anxious, so damn overwhelmed, but why? What was happening?

I rushed out the building, and after basically running to a quiet place, I sat by a wooden bench in a remote part of the campus and I started to make deep breaths, before hearing...a female voice almost screaming at me, startling me.

"What are you doing here?! This is my private place you asshole!"

I turned around, and my confused gaze met a pair of familiar green eyes.
Carol Howard was there, with an angry look and an even angrier voice, and she cut me off before I could even try to defend myself.

"No! I don't want to hear it, leave me immediately alone, I don't want anybody here!"
She growled, with a hateful tone while her eyes followed each and every movement as I held my hands up with a confused expression in my face.

"I was just trying to relax, girl. I didn't even notice you."
"Oh so now you don't even know how important I am?!"

What the fuck was she on about now? Why did it matter so much that I was sitting on a bench with her?

"Look, I'm not having the best of days, so please, we don't need to yell or have any type of discussion, alright?"
I responded while trying to smile, as I put my right hand forward in a mean to shake hers.
"Truce? I just want to stay calm."

She looked at my hand as if I was hiding something, before eventually she shook it quickly with a loud sigh and a roll of the eyes, then she turned around with her back facing me.

"Don't talk to me, dweeb."

At those words, the corner of my lip twitched and my left hand clenched.
The audacity of this girl, it truly baffled me.
After a slight exhale, I just leaned back into the wooden bench, I took out my phone feeling was correct, and somehow, I escaped something that could go horribly wrong.

"She is here."

A single text was on the home screen, and it was from Ethan. But everything I needed to know was there, and my gut was correct. At least for one time.

I rested the phone by my side, before letting myself slide a little along the wood and I crossed my ankles, while I looked up into the leaves of the oak tree sitting behind us. After a little while, she suddenly spoke up again, with a condescending tone that made my blood immediately boil for no apparent reason.

"So, how did you find this place? Are you a stalker perhaps?"
She asked, with a straight face might I add.

"Huh? No, I just ran around to find somewhere peaceful. I don't even know who you are, I just see you in my classes every once in a while."

And after those words left my lips, a surprised look crossed her face, before and angry one returned on it, talking loudly again with an annoyed tone.

"Are you kidding me? How can you not know me? I'm the most important person in this campus!"
She said, glaring at me with those green eyes, while her frown became worse once I spoke up
"Uhh, I just don't know you, I'm not interested into going out and getting along-"


She screamed, startling me a little before she stood up and rushed in front of me, slamming her hands on the backrest of the bench near my face, as I looked at her confused and starting to get nervous.

"You don't know your place huh? I'm the most important person here!"
"Sure teacup, and I'm Santa Claus"
I responded unamused, which made her even more angry as she leaned near my head, looking deep into my eyes.

"You are very cocky for a peasant."
"And you are very boring for someone who should be important"

At this point, we were still face to face, our noses touching one another as this tension was slowly rising and rising, and I was starting to get angry at this girl. Who did she think she was? I didn't care, but god if I hate her already.

"You are lucky that I'm alone, I could've get you beat up in a moment."
"Go ahead and try, teacup"

And after that last sentence, the tension popped into a slap, after which she walked away cursing under her breath. I just looked at her with a hand on my cheek.

What a fucking bitch.

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