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Celests POV:
I woke up to the sound of a drill . Ignoring the throbbing at the back of my head I opened my eyes to come face to face with the devil himself.

Mourad had a smug look on his face almost like he was relieved I ran away so he could punish me .

I looked around me and saw my hands and legs were tied up with chains. The panic slowly started to seep in but i refused to acknowledge it .

He kept switching on and off the drill which he knew i was scared of ever since i was 8 when he used it to drill a hole in my hands when i broke one of his friend's teeth when he tried touching me in the wrong places .

Mourad finally said "Celest we have treated u with nothing but luxury for the last 6 months and u treat us like this by running away"

He kicked my stomach hard which made me roll around in pain . The bastard definitely broke something.

Luxury ?? Being beaten to death almost everyday is luxury ? Well then why doesn't he uncuff me so i can return the favour.

He spat "don't glare at me you cunt ,you are nothing but a rag which is going to be treated like it "

Before i could maybe try kicking him in his nuts he took the drill near my knees. Way too near for my comfort

He fucking started drilling my knees with huge fucking nails. What am I Jesus ??

The pain was nothing like i had ever felt before . He kept laughing when I was screaming at the top of my lungs.

He said "shut up u bitch if you don't want me drilling your neck"

After successfully drilling one of my legs he went to drill the other one and that was when i couldn't handle this torture anymore and I fainted .

I felt a sharp sting from my legs . The bastard was fucking sprinkling my wounds with salt . I just wanted him to stop . Why couldn't he just kill me already.

He said "come on celest I am looking out for you , don't want your wounds getting infected do we " he smirked after seeing the tears building up in my eyes like he accomplished everything he wanted .

But i refused to satisfy him by shedding one tear . The one thing i still have control over are my tears and they won't escape .

After seeing me refusing to give him what he wanted he got angry and all red and blotchy like a fire truck .

I saw him taking out a knife from his back pocket and i thought to myself a knife ? I can handle that like a pro .

He brought the knife to my neck and said "enough with the games the real fun begins now celest enjoy it while u can "

I was ready for him to cut me and he did cut my neck a bit but then he withdrew the knife , almost like he was playing with me .

Before i could understand what was happening, he cut open my shirt . And I froze up . No no anything but this please anything but this .

After seeing my shocked face Mourad had a smug look on his face while he continued to rip my clothes at an antagonising speed.

He said "still a whore like i remember, u better be tight or i will have to go for the other one "

And everything after that went by a blur . I didn't even feel the pain when he entered into me or when he held onto my knees on purpose to further torture me .I could feel the blood everywhere sticking to my skin my hair but I couldn't feel the pain . 

I couldn't acknowledge what just happened so i drifted off to another world where haru was still alive and every night he would tell me a made up story about a princess who saved the prince .

I loved his stories they were the best part of my day . Now he is dead and there is nothing more i want than to join him.

I faded away until there was nothing but darkness surrounding me .

You were warned this is a dark story which is going to include alot of mature content so if u can't handle mentions about rape/ sexual assault i recommend u not reading my book.

If there are any grammatical errors and sentences which don't make sense i am sorry , feel free to ask me if you are confused.

Please don't forget to vote if u liked this chapter 💓

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