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Celest's Pov:
After zander helped me sit on my wheelchair and we left the plane i realised apart from us no other passenger was in the plane, clearly evident it was a private jet . So my brothers are rich i wonder what they do .

We were finally in the car after a lot of bickering . And I mean a shit ton . Emileo wanted to go to some party when we were heading towards the car and to his dismay zander gave him a big fat no . He huffed and argued that how it was a really important party but Zander paid no attention to it . I kinda enjoyed him getting ignored by zander . Ok yeah i definitely enjoyed it.

"What are you smiling at " Leo snapped at me . I simply shrugged and kept on smirking . He rolled his eyes and sat on his bike and rode off . Me, Aaron and Reo were sitting at the back of the car while Zander was driving and Elijah was in the passenger seat .

I was looking out the window absolutely engulfed by the view . We were surrounded by the beach at one side and mountains with thick forest at the other side of the road . We were on the road for an hour until I saw big gold gates .
"Home sweet home" Zander said while looking at me through the rear view mirror.

Leo who reached a second before we did quickly hopped off from his bike . There was a scanner i didn't notice on the corner of the gate Leo scanned his hands and the gate roared and opened up .

The view behind it was breathtaking . There was a big gold fountain with a big lawn surrounding it . The lawn had all kinds of flowers . But the most beautiful thing was the big castle looking house . It almost looked familiar. I have read enough books to know big houses never feel like home . But this big house actually did give me a sense of comfort just by the looks of it.

Lijah helped me out the car .
"We left the wheelchair at the airport, there will be another one inside so I have to carry u till then ,that ok? " he asked politely. I gave him a small smile letting him know I was okay with that . He nodded and walked up the flight of stairs .

My mouth immediately hung open when I saw the interior of the house . Everything was big and open . It wasn't empty and had just the right amount of things . I didn't realise my jaw was wide open until Leo closed it "obnoxious little creature" he chuckled to himself.

Well sorry for not growing up in a big mansion i thought to myself while glaring at him .
"Do you want a tour ?" Zander asked with a big smile on his face . Everyone seemed happy i didn't understand why . Were they happy cuz they were back home ?? Probably.
I gave him a nod letting him know i wanted a tour .

He took me from Elijah's arms like i weighed nothing. I was almost offended but whatever I was more excited for my tour . We walked for a good 20 mins and we still didn't see the whole castle .
There was a big open kitchen in the ground floor with the living room, a cinema room, outdoor pool ,a big library which is definitely where I will be spending most of my time and another room which seemed to be locked, i assume it's the storage room but the way zander completely ignored showing me that room ,he might be hiding something behind the closed door . I will have to explore it later . That's my first thing on exposing my brother's secrets , list .

The second floor had all of our rooms . Mine being at the far most corner with Leo beside me and Dareo beside him . In front of my room was Aaron's room and beside him was zander and Elijahs room .

By the time we finished the tour and were heading towards my room all the boys were there in front of my room . "It's exactly how you left it so obviously we will have to do some renovations soon "Elijah said almost nervously . Thankfully Elijah bought the wheelchair and zander placed me on it . No matter how comfortable zanders arms were i rather not get used to them .

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