Friday Day

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'BOYS!!' Lois bellows, ripping the curtains open. The boys pupils dialte from the morning sun, 'Mommm,' the boys weakly whined in unison. 'COME ON, BREAKFAST IS GETTING COLD!' She shouted, leaving the room. Dewey made it to the bathroom first, leaving Reese and Malcolm. Malcolm looks up from shoving books into his bag, 'Reese have you studied at all for the tests, if you fail you might have to repeat Junior year,' 'I got Lloyd to do all my homework this year, that's got me enough credits to get a low pass,' Reese smugly bragged. Rolling his eyes, Malcolm can't help but laugh. 'Reese remember our deal go make me lunch.'

'Reese, what are you doing?' Lois asked, genuinly confused. 'Making Malcolm some lunch,' 'What did you do?' Lois asks, her tone souring. 'Nothing Mom, you always think I'm bad, I just wanted to practice sandwhich making forcooking class,' 'Sure.'

'Oh my God look at the time, BOYS!! Toast on the way to school!' The boys etched get oushed out, hurriedly being handed their lunch by Lois.

The sun shined onto the streets, the breeze was soft, caressing the boys' hair. Malcolm took his lunch out of his brown paper bag. 'Wow Reese, this is actually good,' 'Yeah,' Reese said obviously. 'How come Malcolm gets mayonassie and mustard?' Dewey whinged, 'Reese I've come up with something, you have to let the Krelboynes beat you up infront of the whole school at lunch,' 'No way!' 'But I'll tell mom,' 'Tell mom what?' Dewey said, confused. 'Shut up, Dewey,' Reese says. 'I'll get beaten up by the Krelboynes, if I don't have to be a slave,' 'Hmm, OK, but you have to cry and scream, and still make me lunch,' 'Deal,' Reese said.

RING! the lunch bell sounded. Malcolm rushed out to the Krelboyne table. 'I'm so excited!' Dabney smiled, he strikes a cringe inducing pose, looking like someone who's never used their arms. 'I've been practising my moves all day,' Lloyd said, doing the worst punch Malcolm had ever seen. Stevie smiled.'*Breathe* I'm going to *breathe* destroy him *breathe*!' The kid witht he busted, still slightly swollen lip lisped, 'He shall run the day!'

Reese looks into the cracked mirror. Talking to himself in a hushed tone, 'When this is over, I can beat them up.' The running water of the dripping taps mask the sound of him slapping himself in the face, a preparation that he has been using ever since Francis had given him his first real kicking. He walked out of the bathroom, planning out how he was going to fake his crys and scream.

Reese knew he was going to be a laughing stock to the whole school, but it didn't matter much. Nobody cared, or liked Reese, he is an invisible nobody. He wasn't like those boys, the ones who charmed everyone, the ones who were perfect, the tall and popular ones, the ones that went partying. Reese had always been envious of other boys, but he has found himself growing something more than envy for a while now. He knew it was wrong but he felt a desire, he couldn't classify what that desire was, but he knew it was sick. He hated himself for being a screw up, for not being able to be one of those boys, for wanting one of those boys.

Reese stood in the middle of the lunch area. 20 Krelboynes charged at him, tackling him to the ground. Reese charades fake screams for help. Lloyd and Dabney high five imbetween their weak, girly punches. Reese tries his best not to laugh. Malcolm watches over him with a smile, revenge, and this was sure to boost his social status, he wasn't as big of a loser as Reese but he could be more popular with the Krelboynes, apparently Dabney's dad was taking 3 friends to Europe as an attempt to buy his love. Stevie rolled over Reese's legs with his chair, socking him in the face. The jocks and cheerleaders watched, laughing at Reese. The goth kids turned around and watched them, cracking slight smiles before retrating into the shadows. 'Take that retard,' 'Not so tought now idiot,' 'moron,' angry insults cascaded form the Krelboynes mouths', their resentment for Reese coming down hard. Reese just layed there, he couldn't do anything but make fake screams and plead for help. Reese didn't care what was going on, he didnt let himself care, he knew he wasn't just an idiot, he was more than that, he wanted to be more than that.

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