Sunday day

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Birds chirp as Reese hops in through his window, reeking of beer, too careless to notice.

'Where were you mister? IS THAT BEER I SMELL?' Lois stared him in the eyes. 'Oh my God if you think you are leaving this room at all for the next two weeks you are mistaken!' 'But Mom-' Reese sloppily protested. 'No buts, you're grounded from everything!'

Reese angrily turned to Malcolm, shouting, 'You told mom!' Malcolm gritted his teeth and braced himself. 'YOU KNEW MALCOLM?! If you want to plot with your brother you can join him,' 'Thanks a lot idiot,' Malcolm whispered. 'I can't believe you told mom,' 'I didn't you idiot she came in because Dewey had a nightmare.'

Lois grabbed Reese, towering over him, 'where were you?' 'At a party,' Reese causally lied. Lois looked down at him, 'What in God's name Reese what did you do?' She grabbed his hand. 'If I hear about any damage you did it's coming straight out of your pocket,' Malcolm looked over at Reese's fists, again covered in blood and glass. Reese and Malcom shared a look, both believing that their mom only cared about having to pay for damages.

Malcom naively whispered, 'You have to take me to one of these parties.' 'I can't, they're not for kids,' Reese responded quickly. 'I'm not a kid, in 16,' defending himself he imagined what kinda stuff happened at these parties. Lois walked in back from the other room with Hal, glaring at the boys.

'Look at your son, he was out partying,' Hal hid his proud face, masking it with a badly done angry face, 'Why can't you boys behave, your mother works so hard!' Lois picks up Reese backpack. Reese tries to stand up before Hal grabs his shoulder, forcing him back onto the bed.

'Where did you get all of this beer?- YOU'RE SMOKING NOW? AFTER YOU SAW ME AND YOUR FATHER STRUGGLE QUITTING?' Malcolm tried to hold back a laugh. Reese sat their, looking blankly past Hal and Lois at the stain on the wall. Resisting the urge to throw up, he tries to swallow his sick down.

Dewey sat in the kitchen eating his favourite food, cereal. Picking out the thicker bits of milk he sat down infront of the TV.

'Beer, Cigarretes, Vodka? I don't know what this you spilled is but God help me- REESE! ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION?' Reese turned his head to Lois, 'Yea,' He opened his mouth to add soemthing before orange coloured liquid projected, covering the floor. Her face contorted, as if her ears were about to blow smoke. 'No cooking classes,' 'BUT MOM-' 'NO COOKING CLASSES!' 'BUT MOM WERE IN PARTNER IF I DONT GO THEN MINE WILL HAVE NO-'

'CRASH!' A loud crashing sound echoed from the living room. Lois speedily backed out of the room with his bag, Hal following. 'Oh God Dewey, not again!'

Malcolm got up to close the door. 'Reese you idiot, now I'm grounded for two weeks!' 'I have no cooking class,' Reese stated, his voice disappointed and empty.

He rolled onto his back, laying on his bed. The sun was shining in through the sheer blinds. It was his fault. No it was mom's fault. Lois always had to ruin everything, she always had to control him. Just beacuse he snuck out they took away what made him happy, his beer and his cooking classes.

Reese woke up in a puddle of puke. It's 3pm. His dreams filled with regret, tormented by his choices. He stood in the house he'd trespassed in, people with blurred faces surrounding him. Each second a person would disappear, leaving him all alone, the sky became darker; wind blew him, blew him hard. He tried to seek shelter, he ran, away from the dream house, away from happiness. In a void, all alone, he sat cowering.

'There's nothing to do,' he complained to Malcolm, 'I'm so bored,' he agreed. Reese punched Malcolm's shoulder. 'Hey, what was that for?' Malcolm replied with a punch. 'Bored,' Reese responded, slightly harder than before. 'Yea well so am,' thud 'I.' Reese stood up, angling his punch down to Malcolm's chest, he stood up too, jumping at Reese. Wrestling on the floor. Dewey's toys fall off the desk, hitting Malcolm's face. Reese go's for a leg lock, kicking a pile of books onto his hand, 'OW,' he dramatically states. Malcolm squirms, trying to get out of Reese's grip.

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