Thursday day

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Reese happily turned in his sleep, blissfully unaware of Lois standing only a few inches away from his face. His eyes cracked open and he let out a loud scream. Lois smiled at his, the smile that he knew meant one thing, chores.

'Your brother will be here, and that means Piama will, and I want us to look better than her, so you're cleaning the house...' she sighs, knowing that Reese is going to hold this against her, 'and you're going to cook dinner.' Reese didn't show it on his face but he was happy, 'finally somethings gone my way!' He thought. 'OK,' he replied to Lois.

He came out to the kitchen, grabbing a frying pan to cook eggs, 'No cooking till dinner Reese told him, handing him a cold slice of bread,' Reese wanted to be disappointed but he couldn't, there was no more school and he was cooking, and Francis was coming. 'I'll need some salmon mom,' Reese said, recounting the cooking class he did a few weeks ago.

Lois had gone to the Lucky Aide, she's working all day. Reese walked over to Dewey, 'You're cleaning the house Dewey.
, now' Reese balled up a fist, 'Fine,' Dewey said, knowing that there was only one answer with his brother. Reese then walked over to Malcolm, 'I was given summer reading, and it's 5% credit for senior year so unless you want me in your year, do it.' 'No,' Malcolm said, before quickly backpeadiling, 'Fine, but only because I don't want to be in your grade.'

Reese walked over to the kitchen, starting by peeling potatoes. He happily sat there, every problem escaped him. He was thinking about Francis coming, he was thinking about how he was gonna prank people.

Reese had been scouting out each of the houses of the Krelboynes. He had found a video camera and access to a dumpster. The dumpster was full of old food. He cut the potatoes, tossing them into a large pot of boiling water while laughing. He planned to throw them at the Krelboynes houses, and Francis was the perfect accomplice.

Reese started with the vegetables, carefully cutting them to exact similarity, a trick that was bound to go unnoticed. Dewey went and sat down, finally done with cleaning the living room, 'Dewey, there's a bathroom to clean,' Reese says, 'this isn't fair, why should I have to clean, mom told you to,' Reese didn't want to beat up his brother, he was too busy, 'how about if you do, I won't spit in your food,' but being busy can't stop willpower.

Defeated, Dewey walks away. Malcolm passes him, 'Reese, your book assignment was like 100 pages long, you could've read it!' 'That's 100 pages too many,' Reese replied, anything to not read. Malcolm invited himself onto the kitchen table, 'Lindsay is coming over soon, can you make something quick,' 'No?! I'm swamped, I've got to prepare the salmon, and then I've got to make lunch - a few pizzas!' Malcolm pleaded, 'how about an extra pizza, I forgot our date was today! I was totally sure she said Friday,' 'So I have to do extra work for you?' Reese said, acting as if cooking was a chore, 'what do you want?' '$20,' 'No way, I've actually got a girlfriend to spend money on,' Reese was taken aback, but he couldn't show weakness, 'which girlfriend is this? I can't count because you seem to always wreck it with girls,' he replies, malcolm needed this date, 'Reese, she said she'd do more than hand stuff if we had a good date!' He stressed, practically begging, Reese coldly replied, '$20.' '$15.' Malcolm said, quickly going into their bedroom to get the money before Reese could say anything.

Reese started on the dough  carefully kneading it. He then realised that he was fully away from his Mom, he walked off to the TV and turned it on, Arrested Development played loudly from it. With the realisation he decided to quickly eat some food, he had a plate of mash with some random mystery meat cuts in the fridge. The meat was tangy but the mash was divine, he was happy.

Dewey came out and sat on the couch, 'I've done everything!'and then he added, 'what are you making for lunch?' Reese looked at the time, worried it has escaped him and that Francis was about to walk through the door, 'It's only 8:30, lunch It's till 1, and Francis is never on time, for probabaly 2, anyway I'm making pizza.' He replied, Dewey smiled, but the smile was short lived, 'After I'm done you're cleaning the kitchen.'

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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