Wednesday day

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The taste of cigarette ash lingered in his mouth. He woke up to an early dawn. The breeze low and quiet.

Suddenly alert he realises he's in the garden. Fallen asleep behind the garage. He fastly rushed to his room, realising his window was locked he slipped through the door.

Creeping through the house he was terrified to make a sound, knowing he stunk of cigarette and booze. He approached his door, it hung ajar. Looking to his parents closed door he slipped on, trying to mask the creak.

Malcolm rolled over, awaken by the slight squeak. Cracking his eyes open with a groan, he adjusted to the light, 'Reese?' He asked. 'Shut up,'Reese croaked, falling into bed with a sound of a spring.

'BOYS!' Lois screamed, 'BREAKFAST!!' Everyday, the same. Reese turned over. His eyes laid heavy on his face. Dewey ran to the bathroom, locking it fast behind him. Malcolm got up with a groan, grabbing his books and lugging them into his bag, 'Reese, what were you doing?' Reese turned around, facing the window and covering his head with his pillow.

'REESE, IF YOU DONT LEAVE SO HELP ME!' Lois screamed at Reese from the kitchen. Reese dragged himself out of bed, tired of the same old routine. Not bothering to put on fresh clothes he sprayed some of Malcolm's deodorant to mask he smell of dirty ash.

Tending out he's greeted by Lois holding out a bag, as he grabs it and turn to walk out of the house she states, 'You're up to something, I know it.'

Reese turned out of the house with a slight smile that he hadn't been caught. Malcolm jumped out from behind the neighbours fence, barely doing Reese's instinctual punch. 'Watch it jerk,' Reese says, pushing him out of the path, 'Reese what the hell were you doing at 2, you woke me up, now I'll have to risk sleeping in honours math,' 'whatever nerd,' Reese says, trying to push past him. Malcolm caught up to Reese's speed walking, 'Reese, I wanna go yo a party, its so borin, all I know is the Krelboynes and you!' 'Hey!' Reese said, slightly delayed as he only then realised the insult. 'You know what I mean!' Reese showered for a response to Malcolm, trying his hardest to desculate the situation without using old lies. 'What about Lindsay, can't you go to her parties?' 'You know she isn't that type Reese, come on, she's dating me!' Malcolm's voice pleaded with desperation. 'Why don't you ask Francis's friends, they're always having some kinda party,' 'They're adults, and I dotn know them!' 'So?' 'Shut up Reese.' 'Just ask Francis when he comes, he doesnt live here anymore so he'd be fine with being seen with a dork like you!' Reese responded, breaking into a light jog to escape Malcolms everlasting complaints.

'A, B, C, C+, -B, -B, A+,- She turned to look at Reese, licking her thumb before grabbing the paper 'F' with a look of pity and mild disgust, she carried on walking, 'C+, -C, -A' faded into the sound sin Reese's head. He tried to recount old episodes of the A team, something to pass the time.

The clock ticked with every passing minute, it's hands seeming to go slower every minute until they hit that magic number. Reese longingly stared at it, still stuck in his daydream of TV.

His eyes slipped further and further down his eyes, eventually blocking out all light. His lips had a slight part, drool leaked from them. The class stood silent, all of them had gone to break. The teacher left the class, ignoring him sleeping.

His dreams spoke of a man. He stood, stood in a party. His body silhouetted by the flashing lights of the dance room. He inched closer to Reese. His hand outstretched in a grabbing motion. Beckoning Reese he softly whispered 'Hey.' 'Hey,' 'Hey!' 'HEY!' 'HEY, YOURE IN MY DESK!'

A jock stood, looking down at Reese sleeping in his desk. Reese lifted his head up, sticky with sweat and dribble, 'What do you want?' He asked, pissed off, 'I want you to get out of my desk, NOW!' he said. The teacher looked at Reese laying, 'it's 3rd period, you spelt through break.'

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