Chapter 4

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With his eyes on the phone, Changbin doesn't realize the darkness inside the house. He had just come home from a long session with Chan, Jisung and their recording manager. They were working on their next album like they had promised their fans. It was nonstop work for the three of them so Changbin took any opportunity to take whatever breaks he could get. Today's reason was that JYP Entertainment head office had to update their software system and scheduled maintenance. Changbin was happy to head home to take a nap and maybe order some food. Chan and Jisung stayed behind as they also had other meetings that Changbin didn't need to be part of.

Changbin stops in his track as he hears a noise coming from their living room. He thought he was alone. Hyunjin was meant to be hanging out with other band members as they were preparing for a dance choreography for the new songs.

'Hopefully we aren't getting robbed' thinks Changbin as he quietly walks towards the noise. 'I would never survive in a horror movie, only a stupid person would walk towards danger.' He shakes his head, cautiously entering the living room. It was dark but the glare from the TV fell on the person sitting on the couch.

Relief washed over him as he notices Hyunjin sitting on the couch. He seemed unaware of the fact that Changbin had entered the room.

He wanted to play a prank on the boy but decided against it. He could feel that something wasn't right. Without trying to scare Hyunjin, he closes the distance and looks at the taller man.

Finally turning his face, Hyunjin makes eye contact with Changbin, a bit shock but what concerned Changbin were the tears falling down his face.

"Hyunjin-ah, what's the matter" Changbin moves quickly and sits next to the boy.

Hyunjin hastily wipes away his tears and lets out a small laugh. "When did you get here?" he asks, slightly surprised by Changbin's sudden appearance.

"Just now. I had no idea you were here too. I thought we were getting robbed, so I bravely marched to fight them. To my surprise, it was a beautiful damsel in distress, sitting and crying. What's the matter Jinnie." Changbin seizes the opportunity to flirt, unable to resist his playful nature. Also making the situation light-hearted.

Hyunjin rolls his eyes, not wanting to divulge the reason behind his tears. "We were having a dance practice, but the lights went out in the studio. After waiting for half an hour, we all got annoyed and left. Minho, Felix, IN, and Seungmi went out for food with their manager, but I was tired, so I came back."

"Ah, I see," Changbin replies, still eager to uncover the cause of Hyunjin's distress. "We had some software updates and maintenance at the studio, so I decided to head home."

Glancing around, Changbin notices that the TV is paused on a YouTube video. He can't quite make out what it is, but the darkness surrounding Hyunjin is concerning. "What were you watching?" he inquires, his curiosity piqued.

"Have you ever lost someone close to you, Changbin Hyung?" Hyunjin's unexpected question catches Changbin off guard, his mind immediately racing to the worst-case scenario. He turns to face Hyunjin, desperation in his voice. "Hyunjin, did something happen?"

"No, Hyung," Hyunjin reassures him with a smile, offering him the truth rather than being cryptic. "You're going to mock me, but I watched this incredibly sad video of a dog losing its friend. The poor pup got so depressed because of it." Hyunjin recalls the heart-wrenching video. "Hyung, it was just so sad."

"You mean to tell me you were crying over a dog video?" Changbin asks incredulously.

Hyunjin simply nods, looking small and guilty. "OMG, Jinnie, you're going to be the death of me. I thought someone we knew had died!" Changbin exclaims, a mix of relief and exasperation flooding his voice.

"Oh," Hyunjin responds, guiltily meeting Changbin's gaze.

"Yeah, 'oh' indeed," Changbin sighs. He can handle anything life throws at him, but seeing his friends and loved ones in pain is something he can't bear.

They both stare into each other eyes, lost in thought and without warning, Changbin throws his entire body onto unexpected boy. Hyunjin yells in surprise with the sudden weight on him. Changbin tightens his grip and rests his head on Hyunjin's shoulder.

"Don't scare me like that." Changbin mumbles into his shoulder. Taking this sudden chance, Hyunjin moves so they are hugging properly, wrapping his arms around his crush.

Neither of them moves from their embrace. Both of them know that these moments are so rare.

"This is nice." Hyunjin breaks the silence. Since his talk with Jisung, Hyunjin feels like he's a lot more confident in front of his crush. Instead of pushing Changbin away, he now sought every chance to be close to him.

Changbin's response was filled with warmth, "Yes, it really is."

They lingered in each other's arms for another precious minute, until Hyunjin noticed Changbin's subtle attempt to pull away. Reluctantly, he released his hold, giving Changbin the space he needed. Though it was a small gesture, these cherished moments between them held immense meaning to Hyunjin.


After ordering food and watching a comedy film on Netflix, they both retire to their bedroom. Changbin is the first to get up and use the bathroom. As he walks into the bathroom, he can't help but think about the strange feeling he had when he hugged Hyunjin. It wasn't exactly butterflies, but it definitely wasn't like their usual hugs. Not that Changbin is complaining. While he enjoys flirting with all his bandmates, he rarely gets the chance to be vulnerable with them. Without dwelling too much on the feeling, Changbin finishes his nightly routine and heads back to his room.


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