Chapter 8

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Tearing his eyes away from the beautiful sight in front of him, Changbin looks at the door, forcing himself to say something to break the silence.

"Why are you sitting outside? It looks like you are freezing" he says, his voice squeaking a little, making him wince at the sound.

"I forgot that I didn't have my keys on me today," says Hyunjin, still shivering from the cold.

"You are going to catch a cold. How long have you been waiting? Where's Chan and Jisung?" Changbin ask, his worry causing his heart rate to return to normal. Changbin watches as Hyunjin gets up from where he was sitting, and moves towards him. Changbin is almost hypnotized by Hyunjin's movements. Hyunjin looks him in his eyes with a hint of worry and fear. Unable to hold his gaze any longer, Changbin looks away. He takes out his phone, pretending to receive a message but is surprised to see a message from Hyunjin himself. He opens it up and reads the 'Hey, where are you' which he didn't realize he received until now.

"Shit, I just read your message." Changbin says, still looking at his phone.

"So you weren't ignoring me?" questions Hyunjin.

"No, why would I ignore you?" lies Changbin, even though he just saw the message, he had been ignoring Hyunjin for the past few days. He wasn't prepared to see him tonight, hoping to be in bed so he could gather his thoughts. That's the entire reason why he had left, he needed time alone so he could think about how he was feeling towards Hyunjin. But running into him like this did clear things up. The magnetic pull he felt when he saw Hyunjin sitting on the steps of the entrance wrecked him completely. He can no longer deny the attraction he is feeling towards Hyunjin. Maybe his attraction was always there but he just didn't know it. It was like the universe had conspired against him today and brought him to this pivotal moment in his life. His brain and emotions were in a chaos. He could barely stand next to his friend.

"Hyung" Hyunjin says with a small pout. "I was worried about you. I've never seen you like this before so I didn't know what to do. I ended up leaving without saying anything to the guys. After I sent you the message, I waited for your reply. I got cold while waiting so came here but stupid me didn't realize that I didn't have my keys on me." As Hyunjin finishes talking, Changbin looks up at the taller boy but before he can reply, Hyunjin punches him on his left arm. They both wince in pain from the impact of the punch.

"Owww, what the hell Jinnie" says Changin while rubbing his arm with a pained look on his face. He didn't think Hyunjin would punch him let alone have it hurt him.

"You deserved that" says Hyunjin proudly with a small smirk on his face. He doesn't know what took over him to punch Changbin but he needed to do something. It was either that or kissing the rapper senselessly and that was out of the question.

"I did not! I thought you were worried about me. Is this how you show your worry?" says Changbin with a bewildered look on his face. Momentarily forgetting his internal chaos. "When did you learn to throw a punch like that?" questions Changbin with a hint of admiration.

"One doesn't hang around gym buffs without learning a thing or two, Hyung" teases Hyunjin, laughing at Changbin's pain, his worry dissipating. He missed having these moments with his friend.

Changbin lets out a small chuckle, not knowing if he should feel proud or insulted by that.

"Sorry for making you worry like that. I just needed some space to myself. A friend at work is moving so I was just trying to process the news; we were pretty close." Its not a complete lie so Changbin doesn't feel guilty.

"Oh, that's sad to hear, hopefully you guys stay in touch." Says Hyunjin reassuringly trying not to pry too much information. He didn't want to upset Changbin further with too many questions.

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