Chapter 10

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Once breakfast was finished, the group moves into the living room, planning for the get together once their food was digested. Hyunjin wanted to make sure everything was perfect tonight. He was giddy thinking about what will happen once Changbin and him were alone. He hopes that the party doesn't last too long, he knows he's being selfish but he didn't care, he wanted Changbin all to himself tonight. The boy had tortured him enough for the last two month but for him it seemed like an eternity. 

With his coffee mug in his hand, Hyunjin scans the room as he sits alone on a chair he grabbed from the kitchen. As much as he loves these guys, he likes his alone time as well. He can see Jisung and Felix hurdled together, looking at a phone, giggling like high school girls. On his left, he sees Chan and Minho discuss something with Seungmin and Jeongin, almost looks like a lecture from Chan and Minho is being the supportive co-leader. Hyunjin is glad he's not part of that conversation. His eyes finally move towards Changbin, who was on his phone, probably replying to all the birthday messages.

Taking a sip of his coffee, Hyunjin tries to conceal his growing smile as he observes the rapper. He loved everything about the boy. The way his eyes sparkle with mischief when he cracks a joke that only he finds hilarious. The adorable smile that graces his face whenever someone genuinely praise him. His infectious laughter that could brighten even the darkest of days. Changbin's bubbly personality and the list goes on and on. Hyunjin had it bad for the rapper.

Everything feels dreamlike to Hyunjin, from the moment they flirted during practice to this morning when they held hands under the table. He was still trying to process everything that was happening between Changbin and him. He never imagined that his feelings would be returned. It was all too surreal, and Hyunjin needed someone to pinch or punch him so he knew he wasn't making it up in his head.

Looking up from his phone, Changbin stares at Hyunjin, caught off guard by his gaze, causing him to spill coffee on his chin as the mug misses his lips. Changbin watches with a smile as Hyunjin wipes away the coffee, grateful that it wasn't a big mess, but also feeling foolish. It seems that this man has cast a spell on Hyunjin, making him act this way.

"Are you okay, Jinnie? Need help cleaning that up?" Changbin playfully teases Hyunjin.

Changbin's remark captures everyone's attention, making them curious about what happened. Once they find out, they all start teasing Hyunjin, leaving him flustered with the unwanted attention. Hyunjin shoots Changbin a glare, not pleased with the rapper who seems ready to burst into laughter again.

Eventually, they all start teasing each other, but then sober up enough to begin planning for the party. Chan and Minho volunteer to take care of the food, drinks and cake since they were the ones who did all the cooking and would know what was needed. Seungmin and Jeongin decide to set up the karaoke machine and find decorations at each house. Jisung, Felix, and Hyunjin take on the task of creating a party atmosphere by setting up all the necessary lights.

Overall, the planning goes well, and they tell Changbin to invite whoever he wants. After some convincing from Felix, Changbin agrees.

They all get up, preparing for their respective tasks, while Changbin gets ready to go to the office. He needs to set up for the vlive, so he has to be there before the live starts. He dresses in a simple plain white t-shirt with black trousers, wanting to be comfortable for the live and the get together. As he grabs the car keys, he sees Hyunjin in the living room, holding some lights in his hands. Changbin looks around the room and notices that they are both alone. Hyunjin spots him as he's putting down the lights on the table. Changbin walks closer to the table but a little away from Hyunjin; he couldn't trust himself around the boy.

"Don't forget about my other gift, I will be waiting for it tonight," Changbin says quietly, lust present in his voice and eyes.

"I've been wanting to give you that gift for a while," Hyunjin replies, his own voice filled with desire and want.

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