Chapter 2: She Knows?

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Yuki's POV
That was weird. When I was exiting Kira's house, I smelled something awful shortly after stepping onto her front porch, and it went away as quickly as it came. Now I was walking home with my best friend.

"Kori, what do you know about wendigos?"

"I know a little bit about it. Something on your mind?" Kori asked, looking at me as he shifted his bag on his shoulder.

"Kinda. I got curious about this after we talked about it last night."

"Well," Kori said, tipping his head to the sky, "I mainly only know about what Kira said last night, but before last night, I read some information on wendigos a few years ago. I vaguely remember learning the signs of how someone can turn into one."

"Really? What were they?"

Pulling his head down, Kori scrunched up his face as he crossed his arms.

"Ah....uh...I think I remember one of them being about increased hunger, but I don't think it was for normal food. Yeah, that was one of them. I know wendigos can also perfectly mimick voices, so that could be a sign, too."

"Interesting. Anything else I should know about?"

Lifting his head up, Kori looked at me and shrugged.

"I don't remember much, man. Those were the main ones I can remember, so I guess they stuck out a lot to me. You can always look into them on your own time, though, you know."

"Yeah, that's true." I replied as we turned the corner. Looking ahead of me, I saw his house coming into view.

"Oh. Wanna come inside for a bit?" Kori asked as he turned into his driveway.

"Sure. I haven't seen your family in a while."

And just like that, he opened the door and I was soon standing in his house. We both leaned our bags against the wall to the right of the front door.

"Hi, Kori and the idiot!" Akane said, walking up to Kori and hugging him, and then hugged me. Of course we hugged her back. She now keeps her long brown hair down instead of pigtails. Today she was wearing a black collared shirt and a pleated red skirt with white and black linings. Unlike her brother, she and her Mother both have dark brown eyes.

Akane is a sweet girl. Her nickname for me is idiot, but she means it in an affectionate least I think she does. It's been kinda hard to tell as the years have gone by. She started calling me that when I was in high school and she hasn't stopped since then.

"Yuki? How have you been?" Ayame asked as she appeared from the kitchen, wiping her hands on a towel. She's the mother of these two. Her hair is brown, but lighter than her kids, and she was wearing a pink cardigan, accompanied by yellow pants.

"Fine. What about you?"

"I've been just fine. I'm making dinner if you want to stay for a while." She said, a warm smile on her face.

"Well, there is something I want to talk to you about, if you know what it is." I responded.

"What is it?" Ayame asked, placing the towel in her hands on the counter as she walked into the kitchen. Looking at Akane and Kori, I saw him sitting down with her in the living room, so I turned my head back around and followed Ayame into the kitchen.

She bent over, checking out the food roasting in the oven. From what I could see, it looked like roast beef.

"So," she said, turning around, "what's going on? Is it your Dad again?"

"Oh, no, not this time. I wanted to know if you knew anything about a Wendigo."

"Did you....did you just say what I think you said?" Ayame asked, her eyes widening slightly at that word.

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