Chapter 18: It's Time

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Neon's POV
"You spent a day with Shelby!? SHELBY!?" My sister said through her laughing fit.

I narrowed my eyes, but nodded anyway.

"Yes I did."

That response only made Kira laugh even harder. I watched as she keeled over in laughter, seeming like she wouldn't stop anytime soon.

"I don't have time for this." I muttered, narrowing my eyes and shaking my head, then began walking past her while she kept laughing.

"I-I'm sorry, man," Kira said through her laughing fit, "I'm having such a hard time believing this right now!"

"I can see that." I thought, but continued walking past her. If she was going to laugh at me, well, I don't need to take this.

Although this is Kira, and it sounds like she might be laughing at what I told her rather than at me. I guess I can see why. Might as well check.

"Hey, are you laughing at me or the situation?" I asked, turning around to her.

"The situation!" Kira said, finally beginning to cease her laughter. I didn't say anything, just watched as her laughter began stopping.

Once her laughter stopped for good, she walked towards me, shortly after standing by my side.

"So, Neon," She said as we started walking home together, "what happened with you guys anyway?"

"Nothing to write home about. She got to know me better and I got to know her better. That's basically it."

"That's all, is it?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

".....Is it, though?" Kira asked, tilting her head. I looked at her, narrowing my eyes more than they usually were.


"I'm just curious," She said, putting her hands up as if surrendering to something.

I rolled my eyes and shook her head. Is it just me, or is she acting differently lately? Maybe it's a w effect or something.

We continued walking back home while I continued to fill her in on what happened. She listened, nodding every now and then and occasionally interjecting with a question or whatever she was thinking.

"So she really wasn't mad at you for once, eh?" Kira asked. I nodded.

"Yeah. She was nice to be around for once."

"I see." Kira replied, looking away and putting a hand to her chin. 

"So I guess Shelby, in order to like you, just needed to get whatever was in her system out. She never did try to get to know you, but then again, none of us did either. Except Yuki. He seems to know who she was before we did. Guess they went to school together before you and I did." Kira said, taking her hand off from her chin and crossing her arms.

"I guess so. That makes enough sense." I said.

We continued walking in silence for a few minutes until we got home. Kira opened the door and held it open for me, so I walked in before she did.



Well, it's getting pretty late. Guess we should head to bed. I don't even know what time it is. 10, 11 PM, maybe? I saw Yuki sitting on the couch, looking at something on his phone. When he looked up, he noticed us walking into the house, and got up from the couch.

"I'll see you girls later." Yuki said, waving at Kira and I as he walked past us, rubbing my head as he did so.

I watched him walk away, then looked at Kira.

"Nice boyfriend you got there." I said with a smirk, watching as Kira's face grew red.

"Yeah, still not really used to calling him that." She muttered as she crossed her arms, turning her head to the ceiling.
As the day passed, by night time I knew I was getting hungry. After changing for bed, as I got in bed, my stomach grumbled.

"Yeah, I know, I know." I muttered, pulling the covers over me, which only seemed to make my stomach grumble louder. I curled up in the bed, gripping my stomach tightly as I tried to ignore it and go to sleep.
That black void surrounded me again.

"You have to eat something, Neon." Yuki said, appearing in front of me, and then disappeared.

"More like I have to eat someone." I thought, looking around the area. I saw someone sitting down in the void, far, far ahead of me. When I drew closer to the person, I could see it was Shelby sitting before me, her head looking towards the ground. 

Finally, when I stood in front of her, that was when she looked up at me.

"I thought....I thought we were getting along, Neon." She said in a soft voice as she smiled at me.

" too." I said, watching as blood began gushing from Shelby's missing right arm. I knelt down on my knee and leaned closer to her, staring at the blood gushing out of her arm.

"NO!" I screamed, loud enough that I actually woke up gripping my bed sheets. I looked around my room, forehead drenched in sweat, and when I still felt that hunger in my stomach, that was when I knew.

I knew I wouldn't last long by now. It was getting increasingly obvious like Kira and Yuki's relationship.

I'm genuinely surprised they haven't banged yet.

I got out of bed and tried walking towards my dresser, but I couldn't even do that. The moment I stood in the middle of my room, the pain became a sharp one in my gut, and I dropped down to my knees right there as I gripped tightly onto my belly.

I saw two feet standing in my doorway. Looking up it was Kira.

"Don't come any closer!" I said, holding out a hand to her, trying to keep her at bay.

"It's time, isn't it?" Kira asked, pulling out her phone. All I did was nod, holding both hands to my stomach once again. I heard the typing of keys on a phone, then nothing.

Huh.....with all that muscle she's got, would Kira taste rough?

Crap, I can't be thinking about that! That's going to make me want to go after her, not Shelby!

"I told Kori and Yuki, Neon. They're on their way."

End chapter

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