Chapter 17: Strung Along

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Crap, looks like she's onto me. What did I expect? She knows what I know she's hiding. Of course it wouldn't take her too long to figure it out, especially since I'm going to be the one taking her down.

My eyes flickered away from hers, and the next thing I know she was leaning away from me.

"So....I'm right, am I?"

The room fell silent. What was the point? The strong silence from me was all she needed for her answer.

Neon leaned back in her chair, raising her head to the ceiling as she closed her eyes.

"Any day now, Kira. Any day now."

And unfortunately I knew exactly what she was talking about.

"Any indication as to when it'll happen and you'll no longer be you?" I asked. Neon looked down from the ceiling and back at me, shaking her head.

"Not quite."

"Whaddaya mean "not quite"?"

"What I mean is I think it's going to happen soon, but I don't think there's a set time."

Oh, I get it. Sounds like she's saying it could happen randomly, even suddenly. All the more reasons to prepare myself as much as possible.

"So I see. All the more reason to keep an eye on you." I said, getting up from the couch.

I walked back to my room and saw Yuki sitting up on my bed. He noticed me and smiled, then stretched. He got off my bed and walked towards me.

"Good morning, Kira."

"'Mornin', Yuki." I said, reaching out and rubbing his head.

"Hey Kira, if of these days, what's gonna happen? What's the plan?"

"I'm going to take her down myself, Yuki."

"It's because she's your sister, isn't it?" Yuki asked, and I nodded.

"You should rely on others for this fight, Kira. You can't take this one on alone."

"Yuki, I have super strength. Thanks for the concern, but I'll be fine." I said. I turned around and began walking away, but Yuki held onto my wrist and turned me around.

"But those monsters are about as strong as you if not stronger. This is something you need to think about."

Maybe...maybe he was right. She might be my sister, sure, but she's Yuki and Kori's friend, too. Isn't it only fair they also get a say in this?

"Well, alright. I'll think about this, Yuki." I said. He nodded in response, then patted my shoulders.

As the day went on, I did actually think about what he said. Part of me wanted to do this alone. Another part of me wanted help. So, I came up with some scenarios, some only with me, some with the three of us.

Yuki's right. It's a good chance I could die against my fight with Neon even despite my super strength. Maybe it would be best to get some help even if it's just for this one time.

Besides, things don't always go according to plan. I think I have a good idea on what to do.

Now all I need to do is tell Yuki and Kori about my plan and wait until Neon's transformation comes.

Whenever that will be.
The next day came, which means it was a school day again. Neon, Yuki, and I went to class as we usually did. In English, everything went pretty smoothly, except for Shelby not showing up.

Sick, maybe? Or she was too ashamed to come to school.

It's Shelby. Her appearance is very important to her. I don't get it, but it doesn't matter, either.

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