Chapter 25

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Namjoon and Taehyung were eating breakfast, but neither of them said anything, so the room was filled with an awkward silence. Normally these brothers don't eat without a bickering but today seems different.

One of them doesn't want to talk and the other doesn't know how to start a conversation.Taehyung decided to break the silence, but when he opened his mouth to speak Namjoon rose from his seat.

Before Taehyung could say anything he left the mansion. Taehyung sighed at the sight of his brother's fading figure. After breakfast he went to his mafia office. He feels down throughout the day.

Because his brother didn't talk to him after they came to know Jimin was pregnant, a week ago. After visiting Jimin at the hospital, he didn't try to contact him. Yoongi is busy taking care of his and Jimin's business.

He feels lonely now. Finally, he made up his mind and decided to call Jimin. He knew that Jimin was the only one who could help him this time. Without thinking anything, he picked up his phone and dialed Jimin.

Jimin: Hey Taehyung, how are you? Can I call you in ten minutes, I'm at the hospital for my first check up

(Jimin's voice was full of excitement and Taehyung felt a little guilty for the first time hearing this)

Tae: How long will it take?

Jimin: I don't know because I have to get a scan too. The doctor said I can see my baby today

Tae: Call me after returning home.

(He hangs up without saying anything. Jimin is confused by the sadness in Taehyung's voice. He decides to meet him after his checkup. 1 hour later, Jimin came out of the doctor's room with a smile on his lips.

He has the baby's first ultrasound picture in his hand. He kisses the picture several times before leaving in his car. He asked the driver to drive the car to Yoongi's office because he wanted to show him his baby's picture)

Few minutes later

Driver: (panic voice) Sir Jimin, four cars are following us from the hospital.

(Jimin turned around and noticed four black cars following his car. This is not the first time this has happened but this time he is very worried as he is pregnant. He wrapped his arms around his belly)

Jimin: Do not slow down the car. Drive without worrying about those cars.

(Saying this he called Taehyung, but before the call was connected a black car rammed his car from behind causing the phone to fall from his hand. Before they can think of what to do, a truck rams into his car and flips it upside down.

Both the driver and Jimin were badly injured. The locals rescued both and took them to the hospital. Namjoon, Taehyung, and Yoongi rush to the hospital after learning that. Taehyung tightened the security around the mansion where their family was.

He ordered his men to take Jimin's parents to the hospital. After two hours of treating Jimin, the doctor came out of the operating room)

Doctor: He lost his baby in the accident as his legs and stomach were severely injured. The injury to his internal abdomen took several months to heal. Maybe he can't get pregnant again. You may visit the patient now, but do not disturb him

(Jimin's parents ran into the room. Namjoon punches Taehyung hard in the face and Yoongi pulls him back before he punching him again)

Joon: Are you satisfied now? Where did you go at that time? Is this how you protect us? Don't worry, now you are free from responsibilities. Wait a little longer and you'll see us all lying in hospital beds. You didn't accept your child from the beginning, now look, that child is gone.

Yoongi: Namjoon, relax. Don't throw words in anger. He never thought this would happen.

Joon: What shall we say to Jimin, hyung? Didn't you see how happy he was when he found out he was pregnant? How are we going to tell him he can't get pregnant again?

Yoongi: But we can't blame Taehyung for this, Namjoon.

Joon: He's the reason for everything, hyung. I don't want to see your face. Please, hyung, take him out of here.

(Taehyung looked at his brother helplessly. He may be a mafia but he is still a little brother to his brother. Namjoon is the calmest among their friends, he doesn't use any words to hurt someone. Yoongi sighed heavily and pulled Taehyung away from there. Yoongi takes Taehyung to the canteen and after getting there he notices that Taehyung's face looks like a small child. Yoongi pulled Taehyung into a hug. That's it, Taehyung hugs him and cries like a baby on his chest)

Tae: (sob) I didn't know this would happen, hyung. I don't want to have baby now, but that doesn't mean I want him to lose the baby

Yoongi: I know, Taehyung. He says this in anger and he doesn't mean it other way. (patting his back)

To be Continue.............

My Adopted Brother- Yoonjin FF (MPreg) ✔️✔️Where stories live. Discover now