Chapter 29

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Doctor: Mr.Jin, your baby is doing great. Try to avoid stress as it affects the child's development. And eat less sugar in your food.

Jin: Thank you, doctor. After how many days I have to come back for my check up

Doctor: After 8 months you should visit once a week. Just come back after 30 days. I have prescribed iron tablets which may increase your nausea. But if you have a lot of vomiting I would change it

(Jin came out of the doctor's cabin and bought the medicine. As he walked to the parking lot he took out his phone and called Yoongi)

On call

Yoongi: Did you see the doctor, hyung? How is our baby?

Jin: Why should I tell you? If you really cared about us, you should have come with us, Yoongi. But your business is more important to you than to us.

Yoongi: (sigh) Sorry hyung, all problems are over now. Jimin is not with us to handle these meetings. I just couldn't let Namjoon handle it alone. If I don't attend this meeting our investors will create a huge mess again. I promise, I won't miss any of your check up from the next one

Jin: (scoff) You better..... For Jimin, I forgive you this time. I need to see you so I am coming from here to your office.

Yoongi: Well, I'll wait for you. You brought the driver, didn't you?

Jin: (rolled his eyes) If I don't bring him, will you let me drive?

Yoongi: Your nausea hasn't stopped yet, hyung. I don't want you to take any risks

Jin: Give o some break to your caring, Mr.Yoongi. I hang up the call. I will be at your office in thirty minutes (hang up the call) Mr. James, (driver) I'm not going home, take me to Yoongi's office

(The driver nodded and started the car engine. Jin closed his eyes as he felt nauseous again)

On the other hand

Lisa: Mr. Min, every investor is gathered in the meeting room. Everyone is waiting for you

Yoongi: I'll be there in minutes. Also Lisa, Jin hyung will be coming to meet me so tell him to wait at my cabin

(But little did he know, someone was listening to him from the beginning. He went to the meeting room where the investors were. An hour later the meeting ended and every investor left, leaving only Namjoon, Yoongi, and project manager Sam in the room. Yoongi's assistant Lisa came into the meeting room)

Yoongi: Is Jin Hyung in my cabin? Did you order something for him to drink?

Lisa: Sir, Jin sir has not come to office yet.

Yoongi: (got up from his seat) What? But it's been an hour since he said he'll be here in 30 minutes

Joon: Hyung, don't panic. Drink this water first. (Gives him a glass of water to drink. Yoongi drinks it) Call him now. He might have gone to eat at any restaurant

(Yoongi took his phone out of his pocket and called Jin three times but he didn't pick up. He looked at Namjoon in fear)

Yoongi: He is not picking up my calls, Joon

Joon: Sam, you may go and continue your work but be careful with your work. We won't give you another chance

(Sam left the meeting room, but the other three failed to notice the smirk on his face. As they were talking about what to do next, Yoongi's phone rang. He took the call and put it on speaker)

Yoongi: (gritted his teeth) What do you want now, Ji-Woon?

Ji-Woon: That's what I love about you, Yoongi. I think little by little I will fallen for you

Yoongi: Cut the crab. We don't have time to listen to your bullshits.

Ji-Woon: Bullshits...... Well, if you don't have time for me. Then, do you have time for your lover and your child?

Yoongi: (frown) What do you mean?

Ji-Woon: How irresponsible are you, Yoongi? You know very well that you have many enemies, then how could you let your lover go to the hospital alone? Now look, your carelessness has made me kidnap him. Right, Mr.Jin?

Jin: (scream) Y..... Yoon...... (sobbing)

Yoongi: Hyung...... JI-WOON....... LEAVE HIM.....

Ji-Woon: What a joke, you thought I kidnapped him just to let him go without asking for anything in return?

Yoongi: (deep cold voice) What do you want from me?

Ji-Woon: What should I ask? Let me think first. mmmmm....... What about your new billion dollar deal you won last week? Give us that deal. If you say you can't give it to us, forget your boyfriend and your child.

Because I want to taste him so bad after seeing him in real life. Let me remind you one thing, rough sex can lead to miscarriage... Hopefully your doctor has already told you about this....... (call disconnected)

(Jin is kidnapped on the way to Yoongi's office. Jin is very disgusted after overhearing Ji-woon and Yoongi's conversation. Ji-woon walks over to Jin, who is strapped to a chair. and He has an ugly grin on his face)

Ji-Woon: (licks his lips) No doubt why a successful businessman like Yoongi fell for you..... Even your plump lips invite me to kiss you. Imagine how delicious you would be without these cloths.......

Jin: Sorry, I'm not restaurant food for everyone. I am Yoongi's special food

Ji-Woon: (grab his chin) I like your sassiness, baby. But I'm not your Yoongi to listen to your words in patience

Jin: Your end date started from the moment you kidnapped me. Pray to God. They will kill you the next moment if they find out where I am.......

To Be Continue...........

My Adopted Brother- Yoonjin FF (MPreg) ✔️✔️Where stories live. Discover now