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╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗
Pre season 2
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Artie was not having a great time finding an apartment she liked or thought was practical enough to be the firehouse in all honesty like at all, she was listening to Buck when he talked of course while she was on her phone just glancing at places.

She was still trying to ignore the lingering taste of Crème caramel or flan on her tongue after her and Buck ate some a while ago on the footpath near the grocery store.

"Bye Artie, I'll see you tomorrow at work right?"

"Yep." Artie agreed as they stood up and walked their separate ways with a departing wave to each other.

Artie had now wandered into the bar when she sat down the bar tender looked at her.

"What would you like?" He asked.

"A gin and tonic, please." Artie said as he nodded and got the drink as she paid for it and she was sipping on the glass while on the stool as she looked up when a throat cleared itself as Artie raised a brow.

"Kyle." Artie acknowledged as he grinned.

"Archer." Kyle joked, he glanced at the stool beside her.

"Can I sit?" He asked.

"Sure." She muttered as he sat down.

"You new here or something?" Artie enquired curiously.

"Yeah, been here since the start of the year."

"That's nice." Artie said.

"Yeah it is, I'm still in the internship for my dad though." Kyle shrugged.

"Oh? Right you were in college, kinda have to be for a business major degree." Artie scoffed.

"Regretfully you do." He winked as he took a sip of his drink.

"You just came from the grocery store down the road? I saw you on the curb with a blonde." Kyle observed her reaction.

"Yes, he was a coworker of mine, but I'm glad you didn't come over to us, creeper." Artie smirked.

"Artie." Kyle chuckled, "I would never he was talking to you for a while and I didn't want to intrude besides you seem stressed anyway not that he noticed."

"Well I didn't show I was stressed when he talked to me."

"Uh huh." Kyle nodded.

"What's his name?"

"Why?" Artie asked suspiciously.

"I'm not gonna hurt someone that my ex girlfriend is talking to." He scoffed at her suspiciousness.

"You could."

"I won't." Artie relented for a moment as her blue eyes wandered around the bar for a minute before she looked back at Kyle.

"Buck." Artie shrugged.

"Your firehouse all have nicknames?"

"Yep, I'm Artie obviously then there's Henrietta is Hen, Chimney is Howard, Evan is Buck, Robert is Bobby."

"I don't wanna know why they have those nicknames especially Buck and Chimney." Kyle snorted.

"I don't know why either." Artie dismayed.

"How's uh... your daddy dearest's businesses?"

"They're fine." Kyle shrugged.


"How are you?"

"Shit, I got evicted today, I don't find the right place or a place practical that's close to the 118 but." Artie shrugged.

"Jeez, sorry that happened." Kyle said.

"It's fine, I knew it was gonna happen because well I forgot to pay for like 2 months like an idiot, I've been doing so many shifts and after time going out I forgot to pay but I deserve it anyway." Artie smiled ruefully at the thought then she shook her head taking another sip of her drink.

"I guess that's fair." He agreed with a nod.

"I would hope so."

"You find a place good enough for you?"

"Nah not yet." Artie said as they spent a few hours drinking as Artie rubbed her eyes.

"I'll walk you to your car." Kyle said, "I mean you're not driving obviously neither am I, drinking and driving is reckless." Kyle said as he helped her off her stool and paid for their tabs as they walked out the bar and wandered to Artie's car a block away in a parking area she had it at while living in a motel room temporarily.

"You sure you are alright on your own?"

"I'm sure."

"You gonna be alright?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine, it was nice talking to you again Artie it's been a long while."

"Yeah 5 years even though we followed each other on social media or whatever." Artie chuckled as she walked to her motel room.

"Yeah." Kyle shrugged.

"Night, see you around huh?"

"Yeah see you around, goodnight." Kyle waved as she waved back and entered her motel room.

"That went well, surprised he recognised me." Artie said to herself as she changed into her pyjamas and got to her bed as she fell asleep.

(I decided to add headers around the episode name cause I found out the season one without the headers made it look boring lol sorry! :D)

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