brewing romance

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This chapter is dedicated to romestories @yuvikaa2807 and SherinaAliMondal

                    Age 17

It was their tenth class.and everyone was dead serious about their academics.some of them started their studies right from the summer vacations, while few of them were still enjoying their last vacay before beginning their preparation for the boards
So did both of them.
In these years their love didn't faded,but increased more and more for each other
They still hadn't talked but their heart and eyes did all the talking.
The longing and love they had was clearly visible on their faces

It was one such day when the classmates of the school created a group on whatsapp so that they can share their academic updates there.

As soon as reyansh saw that along with others,she was added too.he clicked on her was of her smiling infront of camera. He blushed watching her profile continuously and a thought appeared in his mind,to send her a message.

"Hey padosan" he typed and sent

After 2 complete minutes,he grew impatient when he didn't got any reply
He quickly deleted the message and feared in nervousness.

It was 9 in the night when he was standing on the terrace,thinking that It's been numerous years but how he still didn't confessed to her.his heart grew uneasy and he started fearing what if he lose her by being a silent lover?

As his eyes were focused on the road which was visible from his terrace he saw a female figure from far away

He made a wish to god if it will be her.he will confess right now.
As the figure came closely his heart beat went faster as his pulse rate went high
The moment he saw the girl,he understood the sign from god and  he quickly turned around and started running downstairs, he did a long jump and skipped the stairs.
In between he quickly took a look in the mirror ,combed his hair and made himself a bit presentable

He stepped put amd ran towards nishtha, luckily she was still walking towards her home.she was carrying her school bag with her which means that she's returning from her coaching institute

"Nishthaa"he screamed and she stopped at her track and turned around

" I want to talk to you"he said and she saw the panoc,anxiety and nervousness his eyes was holding.before she could say anything he again said.

"But not here,let's go to your backyard"
She finally understood why was he saying that and it made her heart jump in happiness

"Okay" she said and they started going towards the backyard.the walk was silent and a lil bit awkward as none of them were saying anything,but alot of things were running through their mind. their state was anxious.both of them knew what was gonna happen.especially Reyansh, he decided he will not be coward today and won't return home unless he tells her what She feels.

Now,they were standing at the backyard of her house,facing each was completely silent and dark.Just the street light which was giving limited source of light

"Bolo" she said

"How are you?" He asked running his hand through his hair.he tried his best but panicked at the last moment

"Ye puchne ke liye yaha le kar aaye ho?" She was getting angry as he was still beating around the bush and not what she wanted to hear

"Uhh-actually yeah,You know i never asked You so.." He was stuttering

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