Her Reality #2

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"Don't worry to much about it duck, there are still the other two positions to hear back from" Charlie's dad's encouragement was met back with a pillow muffled groan.

"Nope, they emailed an hour later saying the same thing... Good luck to your future" 

Charlie was feeling crushed, though she knew she shouldn't of had her hopes to high it didn't stop her from feeling like a failure stumped at the first hurdle. 

"There will be other opportunities, remember you don't have to go all the way across the world to find what you are looking for." Charlie's dad meant well but sometimes less was more as all her heard in response was another long muffled groan.

"Sleep on it duck, you'll feel better in the morning" he gave her a pat on the back and left to go to bed himself. 

Charlie sat herself up and turned to her laptop, bringing up youtube and loading up her favourite music video, it felt like dangling a carrot in front of a donkey. 

After the video ended, the auto play continued on and Charlie was sat mindlessly watching music video after music video.

The next one to play was not one she recognised though, it didn't have a label to it and it was just the album cover, a red background with three roosters

The lyrics started and Charlie let out a huge laugh, this was funnier than "no more dream" music video (A/N I love that music video but I couldn't help but giggle in a nice way) 

The song continued and Charlie went from giggling at the lyrics to being really impressed by their skills, they rapped flawlessly and she could tell they where having fun with it. 

The rest of Charlie's night was spent watching all the videos they had on their channel, which wasn't many. It was a great distraction for the way she was feeling. since there was no official music videos Charlie was imagining how they would be played out, what could they possibly end up looking like. The temptation to stay up all night making her own music videos to their songs was strong though what caught her attention next was the recommended videos along the side, the videos weren't that old only a year old.
All of them bared the JYP entertainment logo so Charlie decided to do some more research, google being her aid she found that JYP had debuted a new group back in 2018 and they where slowly making their way up in the world, what caught her eye most when reading the JYP website was the Producers of the songs, 3Racha, the group she was just watching. 

She was impressed, they went from being their own little group to debuting, Charlie realised she had a lot of catching up to do if she was to be following their progress. During all of this her determination for her dream got slightly bigger, looking down at her screen as she consumed their music one thought raced through her mind. 

"I hope I get to work with them one day."

The next morning Charlie woke up to a knock at her door, she looked around confused at what time it was and where she was, not remembering what time she fell asleep. looking at her door her dad's head popped in. 

"You alive in there? Thought I'd say bye before work, how are you feeling?" he had his work gear on and bag in hand.

"Yeah.. i'm alright, think i did just need to sleep on it, there will be other opportunities" she sleepily smiled at her dad, his smile only widened 

"Right you are kiddo, your names out there now, all you gotta do is keep trying." with that he closed her door and Charlie could hear his footsteps walking down the hall to the front door as he left for work.

Sitting up she looked around her to see her note books strewn about the bed with her scribblings, plans for music videos, concepts for themes. what transitions would look best how fast the editing would be. She was scribbling till the early morning. 

Fully getting out of bed and getting herself ready for the day, Charlie looked at her phone and saw an email she had never seen before, almost thinking it was a prank as she opened her emails to this.

Dear miss Simon,

We wish to offer you a postion here at JYP Entertainment for the role of 

Tech Support Assistant

After being recommended by a partner we would be more than happy to offer you the job.

If you accept this position please respond within the following four days. 

we hope to hear from you soon

Kind regard

Kim Seok Peo

Head of recruitment at JYP Entertainment

"What the fuck?"


She couldn't believe this, this had to be some joke right? there was no way this was just some freaky coincidence. 

no way was she just last night researching a group under JYP to be now scouted as a tech support for JYP. 

This could be a scam... a very official looking scam, 

well guess there was only one way to find out...

she hit reply

Dear Kim Seok Peo

Thank you for your email, I am deeply honoured to be considered for this position.

I would love to accept this position. 

I am currently living in the UK, 

Do you have any recommendations for apartments and travel that are close to the offices i will be working in?

Thank you again, 

Charlie Simon

and she hit send.

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