His Kindness #4

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Charlie felt her heart in her throat, in her stomach, her heart was everywhere is was not meant to be. She hadn't said a word since she had thanked Chan, who she now realised was the one who was helping her.

Having binged all of the content she could before coming she was trying so hard not to fan girl.

Her trance was broken by a loud voice cutting through the tired chatter.

"Yah! YoSan, why do you get coffee and we don't that's not fair!" Turning her head she saw Changbin with a pout on his lips as he was asking about the coffee she had gotten YoSan

"Ask the new girl, she got it for me." Was all he said. it wasn't a long sentence but it was enough to make her freeze up as she felt the stare of Changbin on her back along with the seven others that where in the car.

"Yah why does he get a coffee and not everyone?" She could tell it was a teasing tone, but still it made her freeze up.

"Dude, don't be mean. She might not know what your saying, quieten down as well, some of us are trying to sleep." Hyunjin's voice perked up from behind Changbin's seat.

That ticked her off a little, Charlie knew a lot of people where not going assume she knew Korean but it was only the first hour and she was already done with people assuming.

She decided for now to keep quiet, maybe they would start talking about her and not realise she could understand. YoSan didn't say anything about her being able to speak, just said that it was a nice gesture and if he wanted one he would have to be nice to get one, that got a laugh out of the rest of the boys and Changbin quietened down after that saying a quiet sorry in English.

"Hey sorry about him, he can be loud but he means well." A heavy Australian accent spoke behind her. Turning in her seat she was met with kind eyes again along with the rest of his smiling face.

"It's okay, i knew someone was bound to ask, just thought I'd do a nice gesture as a thank you for the ride to my new place." she responded, her British accent coming in strong. being from the south really helped. a couple of heads popped up at her voice, either not expecting her to speak or not expecting her to be from England.

"Oh, you moving here?" Chan asked, keeping the conversation going. Charlie couldn't tell if it was just out of politeness or if he was genuinely curious, she convinced herself that he was genuinely curious

"Yeah, I got a new job here and have just moved from the UK, YoSan said you guys have just come back from Japan, how was that?" And that was how the rest of the trip to the dorms went, exchanging small little stories about their trips, all in English with Felix dropping in to ask about the UK now and again. neither diving into too personal questions, keeping it light and airy.

They got to the accommodation fairly quickly. They got to Charlie's staff accommodation first, the boys where curious and looked out to see the staff buildings.

"You're a new staff at JYP?" He looked excited as well as curious as to why she didn't mention it earlier.

This was where she decided to switch it up. By this time all of the boys where awake in the car. So instead of replying in English she responded in Korean.

"Yeah, I am the new Tech Support Assistant, if you need anything I will be starting on Monday"

Their faces where priceless, especially Changbin and Hyunjin who where jaw dropped to the floor. They knew, she knew what they where saying earlier.

"Next time I'll bring you a coffee Changbin-sshi" With a wave she went off into her new apartment building, getting the keys and heading up to her flat.

after bringing her bags and seeing that some of her boxes had arrived, setting up her flat or at least the essentials was easy.

It got to about 6:30 in the afternoon and Charlie was getting hungry and tired, though had no food in the flat.

"Time to explore i guess."

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