His Live #7

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Having a lovely and content morning wasn't on his agenda for the day but since getting his coffee a smile had been on Chans face. Unwavering content. The rest of the day felt like smooth sailing. Now just to do a live that was delayed due to travel and then he can go home and work on some more tracks. A tune stuck in his head needed to come out.

Though he spoke too soon.
Chan was setting up his live when he was met with no internet icons on all monitors.
He knew the WiFi was shit in the building but on all his devices this was crazy. 

His face dropped as he had a moment of not knowing what to do. Chan looked around helplessly for a moment before remembering that there where departments for this. he reached for the office phone for in building use, it saves the idols numbers being leaked by staff who are out to sell information. He dialled the number on the phone list and waiting for someone to pick up. 

"Hello JYP tech support, this is Ari, how can i help?" came the sound of one of the technicians voices, Chan took a breath and proceeded to explain what was happening in his room and if there was anyway it could be fixed, if it was a wifi issue then it couldn't just be his room right?

"Hmm that's really weird, no one else on this floor or the building, I'll come have a look at it, is it alright if I bring the new tech as well?" Ari asked politely and Chan agreed, two heads are better than one he thought. If it was only his studio that was affected it meant that recording and mixing will be a lot harder if in a new room. Chan pouted a bit at the thought of finding another room to work in, he liked his little studio, whilst it's not as grand as the main studio they used to record the songs it was a great space for him to work on the demos and mixing the music to his liking, and it was a great place to do his lives, it was private and there was not a lot of information about the room that people could see. 

A knock on the door snapped him out of his pouty thoughts. Ari peeked her head through and bowed a little to Chan who bowed back and welcomed her in. Behind Ari was a familiar head of hair that Chan recognised from earlier that day. Charlie followed in after Ari, standing slightly behind her as she shut the door behind her. 

"So what seems to be the issue?" Ari spoke up and started to look around all the monitors her eyes going from one to another seeing all the error icons. "woah." 

Charlie also looked around spotting a entanglement of wires that made her cringe. 

"Yeah I don't know what happened." Chan explained "Everything was working fine all day and then I come back from grabbing some food and the screens are all showing this error, I was about to do a live for STAY but can't, this would be the first week without Chan's room" he finished. 

Ari nodded along and started to check the settings on the rooms main computer. Charlie looked more closely at the amalgamation of wires and thought of something. "Is the laptops internet also not working?" Charlie asked Chan, he looked at his laptop and shook his head "I hook my laptop up to the computers wifi, makes it faster than wireless." Chan replied and Charlie had a lightbulb moment. 

Ari started to ask Chan questions about anything that might not have been working today and wondering what servers could be down to cause this when suddenly the screens come back online. Youtube loaded up along with other portals he was using earlier. Both Ari and Chan looked at the screens and then back at each other then looked to Charlie. 

"Your ethernet cable had been pulled out, maybe someone tripped on it when leaving the room, its tangled with all these other cables." Charlie stand up straight again from where she had plugged the ethernet back in. "Do you have any form of cable management, this is not only a tripping hazard but a fire one as well?" she enquired. Ari looked impressed and then looked to Chan, his jaw was on the floor and his eyes where wide with awe. Ari cleared her throat to bring him back in the room. 

"Uh- uh thanks! So much this has just saved my Live." he stuttered. "Um, I've never noticed how bad the cables have gotten been too busy to pay attention." he admitted a little embarrassed. All the plugging and unplugging of his and others devices meant the cables where less than neat. He must have tripped on the cable walking out when getting food.

"It's alright, not issue, if there is a moment where this room is empty i can come in and sort the wires for you if we aren't too busy." Charlie suggests then looks to Ari to confirm. She is happy to help and she feels that she owes Chan a little for helping her at the airport the other day. 

"The room should be free after the live if you are still here later?" Chan he was hopefully she could do it today, the more he kept meeting this woman the more enamoured he as becoming with her, never failing to surprise him. He wanted to get to know her more, needed to. 

Charlie looked to Ari and Ari nodded. "We haven't got much on today, if you want as well you can be the one to monitor the live for any issues, i'll give you the checklist in the office." Charlie smiled and looked back to Chan still smiling and nodded her head and then bowed as both of them left. As they exited Chan stayed staring where she was stood, he liked her smile, he wanted to maker her smile like the again.

Shaking his head and situating himself back at his desk chan prepped for his live and readied himself for greeting STAY. 


The live was going well, Chan had been online for about 20 minuets at this point and no issues arose.

Charlie used to watch the lives as a fan and for fun and now watching as support gave a different satisfaction than before. Getting paid to watch your idol... people would kill for a job like that. She laughed to her self at the thought. 

Chan was talking to STAY saying how he had missed them and was sorry for missing Sundays Live due to travel. Charlie smiled at the memory of the airport, the way he looked so serious and mysterious, the complete opposite to how giddy and carefree he looked now. The duality of this man would never stop giving her whiplash. 

Chan giggled at the camera and then started to speaking to STAY. 

"STAY, I'm not only in trouble with you for missing the live, but i hope i make up for it now, but I'm in trouble with our lovely staff as well hehe." He was looking down at his floor, just out of site of the cameras where a pile of cables that needed sorting, and whilst most wouldn't smile at wires chan couldn't stop smiling at the wires. 

"Heheh, I almost didn't go live today either because I was having internet issues in the studio, but we have an awesome team of staff here and they fixed it in seconds, turns out I had tripped on a cable and pulled it out, whoops, the staff where scolding my cables. Hehe don't worry stay they are looking out for my safety." Chan explained and the comments where flooding with stay praising chan for being on live today and even some saying he was smiling a lot for someone who just got scolded. 

Charlie blushed a little, he called them lovely, she knew he wasn't talking solely about her, Ari as well, but it was hard not to take the small compliment to heart. his smile as well was effecting the redness of Charlies cheeks, good thing she was in a cubicle watching the live. No distractions from the office and no one to see her reddening face. 

Charlie continued to watch the live till Chan gave his big hug and signed off.

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