Her Travels #3

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So it wasn't a scam, the recruitment team at SM had reached out to JYP as they had the same issue of needing more tech support staff with their growing idol group numbers.

That is where we pick up now with Charlie sitting on a plane to Korea, everything was sorted with the company for her accommodation, the cost of rent being taken out of her salary and with bills included it was happy sailing for Charlie.

Leaving her dad was one of the hardest things she has done in her 21 years of living.


"Wow, you've gone and done it kiddo?" Her dad read over the email on her phone once more before looking up at her. He had some tears welling up in his eyes and as soon as his eye's met hers, her eye's started to well up as well. They where bitter sweet tears.

one slipped out of Charlie's eye's and then the whole damn broke loose, she threw herself into her dad's arms.

"Oh duck, my sweet silly girl I am so proud of you this is what you wanted and you are so close to getting to your end goal." His voice broke as he held his daughter in his arms. He was so proud. There where not enough words to express just how proud he was of her.

From watching her as a young determined girl to this head strong skilled woman, he wouldn't change her for the world. What more could a father ask for. Charlie was his world her being half way across the literal world was going to be hard. Really hard but he was willing to let her go as long as she was safe, happy and well fed.

"You look after yourself, you have worked so hard and you deserve this. The world wasn't kind to us in the start but we have made it and we will keep on going, like she would want, you made her so proud duck, you still do." Charlie knew who he was referring to.

Her mother. Charlie was a young girl when she died, having to grow up so fast to look after her father as much as he was looking after her. Any composure Charlie had gained back was gone again at the mention of her mother and she threw herself further into her fathers arms.

They stayed like that for sometime till another email came through about the accommodation Charlie would be living at dinged her way through breaking up the tension with a sweet air of new horizons and pride.

Flashback end:

"We will shortly be arriving in Seoul South Korea, please fasten your seatbelts and make sure any personal belongings are on your person. it is currently 9:23 am in Seoul. Thank you for Flying King Air. Thank you and have a good Trip."

The message then repeated in Korean. Charlie bounced in her seat slightly, the anticipation coursing through her. This was it!

The flight had been nice, nothing out of the ordinary happened though she did get asked a lot if she would like to purchase anything from the catalog but she just politely declined in Korean which surprised a lot of the hostesses.

Touching down was bumpy and getting out was like any other comercial air craft, busy. once out of the aircraft and grabbing her bags, she was on her way to the taxi depot. thinking she would get a taxi to her new accommodation.

As soon as she got there she was pleasantly surprised by a young man in a nice suit with a name card with her name on it and JYPE on the corner of the card. curiously she walked up to the man, making eye contact and looking between him and the card he spoke up.

"Miss Spencer welcome to Korea" he spoke in English, which she was not expecting, softly she smiled and bowed to him and replied in Korean.

"Hi, thank you. Can I ask why there is a card with my name on it, I wasn't told that transport had been arranged?" she asked him. His polite smile widened when she spoke Korean.

"Under normal circumstances yes this wouldn't be the case, however we have an idol group coming back from Japan and they where landing the same time as you so and as they are staying close to the staff accommodations we thought why not pick you up on the way."

Charlie was shocked, she thought it would be a while till her first idol experience or seeing any of the idols she was going to be working around. More nerves jolted through her about who it could be. A small delusional part of her begged for it to be Stray Kids and 3 Racha but then reminded herself that whoever it was she would be respectful, like her these people have just gotten off of a long flight and are probably tired and want to get home.

"oh wow, okay yeah no problem. I'm sorry i didn't get your name?" she asked him again and he smiled at her again before relying that his name was Lee Yo San and he was one of the personal divers for JYP.

What treatment on her first day in her new home, meeting idols and being driven to her new home and not having to pay for a taxi.

"Can i ask who we are picking up?" she lowered her voice to ask and Yo San shook his head.

"We want to be as low profile as possible at the moment so i can't have their name be heard or on the card, they know to look out for me and your name card, they should be here in the next five minuets then we can head to the cars." Was his reply, understandable not wanting to be recognised though it just made the nerves in Charlie increase.

Who could it be? GOT7? TWICE? SKZ? DAY6? all amazing artists and Charlie would be privileged to be sat with any of them.

Looking at her watch and looking over at a near by Starbucks she asked YoSan if he wanted a coffee which he politely declined, though Charlie still got him a latte which he took kindly and silently thankfully. Not long after YoSan got a notification on his watch.

"I've been informed they are coming now, be ready to walk very quickly and try not to be lost behind." his demeanour completely changed to work mode and Charlie was very impressed by the professionalism. Not even a second later a large group of men where walking towards them and soon Charlie was scuttling along side YoSan trying to keep up. even though she was 5ft 6 her stride couldn't keep up with his and she found herself dragging behind. that was until an arm touched the small of her back slowly helping to push her along.

It wasn't a rude push, more gentle and caring. Charlie looked up in the direction of the arm the hand was attached to and met an equally pair of kind eyes. The rest of the face was covered in a mask.

No words were exchanged as he helped her keep up with the rest of the group his eyes constantly scanning the group and counting heads. When they reached the car she bowed and thanked him, again his eyes showed kindness as they scrunched up in what she assumed was a smile.

After loading up the bags and YoSan telling her to be in the passenger seat, everyone was seated and buckled and as soon as the door to the car shut all the masks came off and Chalrie was awe struck.

She was in a car with 3 Racha...

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