Walker and I popped some popcorn and gathered up all the candy in my room before starting the first movie, Ironman 1.

As we watched the movie, I recited most of Tony's lines and Walker kept laughing at me as we sat on my bed.

After Ironman was over, Walker wanted to watch Deadpool.

"No." I shake my head. "We're not watching a movie that I'm in."

"Oh my gods why not? I haven't even watched it since I found out that was you!" He argued.

"I don't care!" I laugh as he throws popcorn at me. "We can watch absolutely any other Marvel movie."

"Deadpool 2, easy." He smirks.

"Fuck you Scobell." I throw a pillow at him.

"Wait a few more years and we'll see." He smirks again before we start laughing hysterically.

"Just put on the damn movie." I roll my eyes.

He plays the movie and we lay back on my pillows as the Marvel intro plays. The tv was up pretty loud when the movie started playing.

"Fuck Wolverine." Walker and the movie say.

"PLEASE TELL ME YOUR NOT WATCHING DEADPOOL 2." My dad yells from his room.

"WE ARE!" I yell back.

"WATCH OUT FOR WALKER THEN!" He warns and I laugh, knowing he's talking about Walker's uncanny ability to recite the movie word for word.

"First, he rides my coattails with the R rating. Then, the hairy motherfucker ups the ante by dying." Walker says, rolling his eyes at Wolverine.

"Bro you aren't in this movie right now, chill on the Wolverine hate." I laugh.

"What a dick. Well, guess what, wolvie? I'm dying in this one too." Walker starts dancing on my bed to the music from the movie.

"Oh my gods you fucking nerd." I record his dancing while laughing.

"To understand why I took a catnap on 1,200 gallons of high test fuel, I need to take you back to the dewy slopes of 6 weeks ago. I'd gone international, taking out mass murderers, gangsters, unspeakable monsters. People nobody would touch. Except me. I'm gonna touch them all over." Walker chuckles and takes a breath.

"You're so weird." I poke him in the arm.

"Hey, it's Gail calling. Love the shiny suit, really brings out the sex trafficker in your eyes." Walker says sarcastically.

"Whatever they're paying you, I'll double it." I say the next line.

"I don't speak Cantonese Mr...well I'm not even gonna attempt that. But I did take 8th grade Spanish, so dónde está la biblioteca, which literally translates to 'I don't bargain motherfucker." Walker says.

"You actually pronounced that correctly!" I cheer sarcastically.

"Uno, dos, tres, cuatro." Walker counts off and the tv starts shooting. "I'll take a cranberry-grapefruit vodka. I know it's called a sea breeze, don't make me say it. Hit it dolly."

"Whoo, do not go in there." Walker laughs. "Oh, god! Oh, god, time out! Time out! Cut. Got bad guy blood, right in my open eye. Oh, that's so gross. Fuck! Scoutmaster Kevin?"

"Okay, you can stop now." I roll my eyes.

"Sorry it's fun." He rolls his eyes before tossing a piece of popcorn in the air and catching it in his mouth.

The movie kept playing until we got to the part where Wade comes home to Vanessa.

"Sorry I'm late. There was a bunch of handicapable children stuck in a tree and I had to uh..." Walker and Wade spoke.

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