Time skip: 1 week
Day before The Secret Headquarters premiere

(A/N Ik Walker wasn't at the SH premiere but now he was okay. Also idk if I've said this but in this fic the Reynolds live in Vegas)

Within the past week, a few things had happened.

1. Brady and I started dating for real, only to find we're better off as friends. We also made sure everyone knew that.

2. I agreed to be Walker's date for the premiere after he and Ariana make the announcement.

3. I had flown to LA, where the premiere would be.

I was currently in Leena's room, catching up since we haven't seen each other in a while. I was staying with them for a little bit until my parent's flight landed, which would be in a couple hours.

It will also be the first time I've seen my family in way too long since I've been so busy.

I don't think I've ever missed my family this much.

Except maybe my on first day of kindergarten.

"Can you put my Taylor Swift record on pretty please?" Leena asked.

I nodded and stood up, walking over to her record player and carefully switching out the current record for her favorite Taylor one.

"Do you want me to get this signed for you?" I asked before I turned up the volume and the disk started spinning.

"I swear, Delphi, if you are about to casually drop that you're friends Taylor Swift too I'm gonna chuck a pillow at you." Leena said, sitting up on her bed.

"Technically we're acquaintances through my mom." I replied as I sat back down on her bed.



I had just gotten to the airport and was waiting by the gate my parents were supposed to come from, excited to finally get to see them.

I had been waiting- very impatiently- for probably like 20 minutes when the plane finally landed and people started coming out of the terminal.

When people started crowding the walkway, I knew my parents had arrived.

I smiled and joined the crowd, pushing my way through until I saw my gorgeous mother trying to walk through, my dad beside her.

"Mom! Dad!" I called out, grabbing their attention as I ran up to them, hugging my mom tightly.

"Dellie." My dad chuckled when I wrapped him tightly in a hug.

Despite me being very totally too tall for it, he picked me up a bit when he hugged me so he could stand straight up.


It was the next day and my mom was helping me to pick out an outfit for the premiere.

That means I was brushing my hair while she dug went through my closet.

"This is the one, it's so cute!" She said enthusiastically as she laid out the dress on my bed.

"Ok but I'm not wearing heels with that." I bargained.

"Delphi that's the whole point of formal attire." My mom argued.

"Mom, I'm going to be sitting in a theater for a majority of the time. Let me wear shoes." I begged.

"Okay okay, fine. You can pick your shoes." She agreed.

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