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A few hours later we woke up, Leena doing the honors of course.

"Wake up lovebirdsssss." Leena giggles from the door as I force my eyes open slowly. "Dinner time."

"What's for dinner?" Walker mumbles against my hoodie fabric, which Leena obviously couldn't hear.

"He asks what's for dinner." I translate, my voice slightly raspy with sleep.

"Handmade chicken Alfredo." Leena grins, knowing that's my favorite food.

"Walker get off." I immediately say, trying to push him to the side.

"No..I'm comfy." He mumbles, his voice also raspy.

"Walkerrrrrr!" I whine, trying to push him off again. "I'm hungry!"

Leena giggled from the doorway as I struggle with Walker, who kept complaining about me trying to get him off.

"Let me sleep, Delphi." Walker mumbles, shifting his head on my stomach.

"Why are you so tired?" I question, joking.

Leena and Tanner-who just joined the party a minute or two ago-shake their heads warningly.

"Whatever." Walker says curtly, rolling off me.

Walker let's out a loud groan as he hit the bed, aimlessly smacking my leg as I moved off the bed.

Leena and I-who are both in love with chicken alfredo-ran downstairs, Walker and Tanner following slowly behind us, the former still rubbing sleep out of his eyes.

We get downstairs and all head to the kitchen, 4 bowls of pasta already waiting for us on the kitchen island.

"Thanks Heather, Pete." I smile as I grab a bowl and fork, going to sit at my usual spot at the table.

"Thanks momma, dad." Tanner grins toothily as he grabs his bowl and fork, sitting down across from the empty seat beside me.

"Thanks guys." Leena salutes playfully as she grabs her share and sits down beside Tanner.

"Thanks." Walker mumbles, grabbing his bowl and fork with a yawn before coming to sit beside me, like always.

Heather and Pete joined us, handing us each a glass of water, and taking their seats at the ends of the medium rectangular table.

We soon start eating, talking a bit between bites of pasta. Walker had fully woken up, no longer tired as we ate.

About halfway through dinner, Walker nudged my leg with his knee, making me look over at him.

His eyes were bright with joy, a sparkling blue as he looked at me. He smiled at me, grateful and happy I was here to visit him.

I tried to ignore the noodle hanging from his mouth

I did, I really did.

I burst out laughing after swallowing my last bite, dropping my fork onto me plate as I leaned back in my chair, laughing.


After I smiled at her, she started laughing. Why was she laughing?

I suddenly felt the weight of a noodle hanging from my mouth, and immediately understood why.

I quickly ate the noodle and started laughing with her, which probably made the entire situation seem even weirder.

My mom look at us with a confused but entertained smile, chuckling softly even though she didn't understand.

Delphi's laughter has that effect, of making people laugh when they don't know why. It's just contagious like that. I think she gets that from her dad, along with her sense of humor.

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