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I open the bag and pull out a trophy, looking up at my team with a confused expression.

"What's this?" I asked

"Did you read it?" Payton asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

I laugh softly before reading the plaque.

MDV 15's
Delphi Reynolds #2

I won MVP.

I haven't done that before.

"When.." I cut myself off, feeling tears stinging my eyes.

"It's from our last travel tournament in Vegas." Heather tells me. "The organization sent them out late and we got it about a week ago, but we wanted to wait and give it to you now."

"I'm so proud of you baby." My mom smiles at me, kissing my cheek.

I stand up and move to hug Heather, the rest of our team joining the hug and crowding around me, Brady with one arm wrapped around me and a huge grin.

"Gosh you guys are gonna make me cry and ruin my makeup." I let out a huff of air, looking up at the ceiling so the tears won't fall.

"Here." Leah giggles, handing me a tissue.

"Thanks Leah." I reply, dabbing at my eyes as everyone continues talking in small groups.

"Great job Del." Walker smiles as he comes up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "You deserve it."

"I bet you could get an award if you played volleyball with me and Brady." I tell him, making him shake his head.

"I played that one game and helped you beat Brady, I'm done." Walker chuckled.

"You played a single set." I correct him.

He rolls his eyes at me before replying. "Same thing."

"Not at all." I laugh, moving one of his curls out of his eyes.


Pretty much everyone had left, only my friends still here, along with RDJ, Aaron, Sebastian, and Chris Evans.

Most of my friends had gone upstairs to sleep, since they were exhausted and it was getting late.

I went upstairs earlier and changed into one of Walker's hoodies and my pajama shorts, now sitting in the living room with my parents, the three Marvel men, Connor, Walker, and Momona.

Walker and I are cuddled up on the couch, laying under my knitted blanket as we hold conversations with the other people in the room, even through our exhaustion.

Walker's arms are wrapped around me, my head on his chest. Every so often he places a kiss on my forehead, his hand moving slowly up and down my back, only fueling my desire for sleep.

My mom and dad are also sharing a blanket on the other couch, both of them sipping on the same glass of wine, my mom leaning her back on my dad's arm.

"When I grow up, I want what they have." I say quietly to Walker, watching my parents.

I realize I've never grateful enough to appreciate how in love my parents are, and to be thankful that they're still together and that they provided me with what I needed growing up, and continue to take care of me and my sisters.

"Me too." Walker says, and I feel him smile against my head.

"What're you two mumbling about over there?" Aaron asks softly, looking over at us with a grin.

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