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Once we get home, I get in the shower.

Walker, Mo, and Abby are downstairs at the moment with Leena and Tanner, watching tv.

Once I get out of the shower, I see that Walker sent me a few pictures, which end up being of me and the horses.

I put on my pajamas before grabbing my knitted blanket my grandma gave me and going downstairs, finding them in the living room.

I sit down on the end of the couch beside Mo, who smiles at me and asks how mine and Walker's date went.

"It was a lot of fun, and I finally rode a horse." I tell her, making her mockingly give me a round of applause.

"He was telling us about Chuck and Lily earlier." Mo tells me, making me laugh a bit.

"Yeah, the guy who taught us everything was named Chuck, and his little sister Lily's birthday is coming up." I tell her. "Seems she's a big fan of Walker and I."

She nods and offers me some of her hot cocoa, which I deny and turn to watch the tv that's playing Flushed Away.

I feel my phone buzz under my leg and quickly open it.

I feel my phone buzz under my leg and quickly open it

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Come sit with meeeeee

No bro you've had me all day it's
Momo's turn

This is racism

That's not how that works

Shut up

Another reason for me not to come
sit with you

But like it was a joke so that means
you should come sit with me

No <3

Mo reads over my shoulder and wraps her arms around me, sticking her tongue out at Walker as she does.

Walker rolls his eyes but crosses his arms and pouts the entire time we're watching the movie.

His expression only changed when we all go upstairs for bed and he races ahead of us all and flops onto my bed, holding his arms out for me with a big grin.

I roll my eyes but lay beside him anyways, and his arms wrap around me.


8:45 am

218:45 am

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