XVI: Swords and Pens

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The morning of Caspian's departure came. Time really does flies when there's a dead line. Emyr and I were on the entrance of the manor, consoling the crying Caspian.

"You promise you won't forget me?" He asked, tears streaming down his face.

"I won't, I promise." I said and gave him a hug, which he returned, even tighter.

"We're going to visit you there and you'll come home every holidays." Emyr tried comforting his younger brother, though it isn't really his forte.

I have to hold in my tears as I don't want to send off Caspian crying. The first time he heard the news, he was over the moon, he is too excited that he'll be going to an academy but as soon as he was told that me or Emyr isn't going with him, he cried and got upset.

"You have to go, Cas." Emyr said. I gave Caspian one last hug and he entered his carriage. He left soon after.

Emyr and I stayed there for a long five minutes, looking at the manor's gate where Caspian's carriage disappeared.

"So, It's just the two of now?" I asked, Emyr just glared at me and went inside, I followed him soon after.

The Duke stayed in his office as he had an urgent meeting with his people. I don't know who they are tho, they aren't familiar. We cross-paths with father's guests as they left the manor.

"The Duke is requesting your presence, Lord Emyr, Lady Serena." Pierre, my father's. right hand man said. We followed him to the duke's office and there sat the Duke, sipping wine.

"Have a seat." He said, his eyes not leaving the paper he was holding by his free hand.

"Did Caspian leave already?" He asked.

"Yes, father."

"It's a shame that I couldn't send him off." He sighed and put down the file he was reading and looked at us.

"So, I called you here today to tell you that I already started the action. Anytime now you'll hear an emperor cry." He said and laughed.

"What do you mean, Father?" Emyr asked.

"I stopped all of the trade scheduled for this month. No product nor service will enter the palace for the next few weeks." He said, cassually.

"I thought we're going to make the emperor suffer?" I asked.

"Yes. That's exactly what I am doing." He responded.

"He won't suffer Father. The only one who'll suffer are the commoners. By cutting the trade, you're just placing the empire near an economic collapse and trust me, those in high position like the emperor would not be affected by it." I said, I don't know how this man become the ruler of this Empire's trade and international connections.

"I know that why I only cut the trade within the Imperial Palace. I am not a fool to stop the trade in the whole empire." He said.

"By prohibiting the trade in and outside the palace, they won't be able to have products and materials to use." Emyr explained as he noticed how lost I am.

"In simpler words, all the products that were meant to be delivered in the palace, all of their supply for this month are sold off. I made sure that no one will be able to supply them anything." The Duke laughed.

"I can't wait to see the face that that dumb Emperor will make." He said between his laughs.

"As expected of you, father." Emyr laughed along too. I am not sure how this will turn out but I am hoping that there will be no civil war.

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