XLVI: The Ignition.

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"My Lord." A hooded figure appeared on the neatly furnished room. It walked towards Luca who's sitting by the window, reading a book, not minding the person on the same room as him.

"Lord Emyr has arrived." With the sound of Emyr's name, Luca's attention was brought back to the man infront of him, unsure if what he heard was right.

"Pardon?" He asked, as if on cue, Emyr walked in the room and sat on the empty seat just infront of Luca. Luca looked at him, dumbfounded. "What are you doing here?" Luca asked as he stood up, looking intently to the man he consider as one of his brothers.

Without a word, Emyr gave the letter that the Duke has ordered him to deliver. He leaned on the seat and closed his eyes due to the exhaustion of his sudden travel.

Luca immediately opened the letter and read it. He sat back on the seat as he read through the pages which has the news of the death of the Emperor, the high possibility of Cyn being the next emperor and the sudden change of plans of the Duke. It was a shock even for Luca that Celine and Cyn would come this low, the deceased Emperor might not lived a great legacy but killing him because of power is complete madness.

"Have you talked to the Yeoris'?" Emyr asked, slightly opening his eyes to see Luca still focused on the letter.

"Tomorrow." He answered.

"Great, I'll come with you." Luca's eyes widened, this couldn't happen. Rena will be there too and he knew that Emyr will surely recognize his sister.

"No, go back to Gleis. It's too dangerous." He reasoned out, Luca doesn't want them to meet just yet. It isn't the right time to do so.

"Father has ordered me to come with you." Emyr replied, sitting straight this time as the conversation is getting serious. "This isn't Gleis. We hold no power here so it's better for you to just go back." Luca stayed firm.

"What are you hiding?" Emyr asked, suspicious of the man he infront of him.

"Nothing. Your safety is my top concern. Just look at your appearance Emyr. Everything about you shouts Gleis, you even look like the Duke himself. What will the Yeoris' think?" Luca made a point, him visiting Yeoris' without prior advisements will cause an uproar for sure. What is the Duke thinking.

"Alright, point proven. But I do not look like the Duke, I am far way attractive than him." Emyr said, the atmosphere of the room suddenly became lighter as the two of them exchange laughter.

"We all know that Caspian's the most attractive one." Luca answered as he put the letter back to it's envelope and placed it on the side table beside him.

"Just let me stay for the night, I am absolutely knackered." Emyr said, Luca escorted him to the vacant room. He made sure that all his needs will be catered. Thank goodness that this place has servants to help Luca as he for the love of Astarte doesn't have any skills on how to accommodate guests nor to do household chores as in a very young age, the only thing that he was taught of was to wield a sword.

"Just call someone when you need something. You leave at dawn." Luca said before closing the door. He came back to his room and contemplate what's on the Duke's letter. It is really understandable that he made his heir deliver this letter as it is something that couldn't be trusted with a mere messenger.

He wasn't confident of the Duke's change of plan but it's for Serena and he will definitely do anything for her even if he needs to kill everyone who's going to get in the way of their revenge.

The dawn came, Luca escorted Emyr to the private port. It will be dangerous if someone sees a Gleis coming here in Yeoris' without an official visit. He waved goodbye and gave him a letter for the Duke. He was debating whether to tell the Duke that Serena was alive but he ended up not telling him in the letter. There will be a perfect time for them to know. It is selfish, he knows but he wanted to get their revenge first before facing Serena.

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