XLIV: I Would Always Recognize You.

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“I am never gonna drink again.” I groaned as I stretched my aching body. My eyes having a hard time adjusting to sudden brightness of the room. As I opened my eyes, I saw Azrael laying on the couch, looking at the ceiling.

What's so entertaining about the ceiling? I rolled my eyes and just continued stretching, I was drunk last night but I have no idea what happened nor how I got home but it isn't important.


I think there's a lot of important things happened last night that I wasn't supposed to forget.

“Az?” I called, he just hummed in response, not even bothering to look at my direction. 

“Nevermind.” I answered then rolled my eyes. I had no idea but I had this undefinable annoyance towards Azrael today, maybe it's the alcohol talking. I get up of the bed and walked slowly towards the vanity, I sat on the seat infront of it and looked at my dreadful reflection.

I kind of don't want to drink anymore but I enjoyed every drop of it. Maybe this hung over is worth it after all?

I kept on thinking that I have forgotten something important that happened last night. This is bothering me. 

“Az?” I called again, in defeat. My memory's not good when I am drunk.

“What?” He replied.

“What the fuck happened last night?” I asked. He let out a deep sigh and sat right up on the couch. “I didn't do anything to you.” He immediately answered.

“What?” I asked, confused on what he is pertaining to.

“What?” He also asked.

“Is there anything important happened last night?” I made my question more specific now to let him understand better.

“Oh, well the plan is successful. I gave the necklace, that's what happened.” He casually answered and laid on the couch once again.

It's nice that everything went according to plan but I still feel like there's something missing.

“Can you tell me everything that happened? Don't leave a single detail please.” I requested, he just looked at me dead in the eyes and frowned.

“Who told you to drink anyway?” He asked, annoyance obvious with the tone of his voice.

“Just tell me everything.”

Azrael started telling me everything that happened last night. “... after that I went looking for you and found you with this strange man in the balcony...”

It felt like a light bulb switched on within my head when Azrael told me that I was with a strange man. “How come you did not tell me I met a man last night earlier?” I asked.

“What? You meeting a man is important now?” He asked, still frowning.

“Of course!” I answered. Though, I don't know if I should be happy because I got this once in a lifetime opportunity or be scared that Luca is also here. But who am I to decline if the prey's the one walking right into my trap?

“You're scary.” Azrael said that made me get off of my train of thoughts.

“I'm going out.” I said and started preparing. Luca said he'll meet me on the town square so I need to look more sophisticated and professional. I'll be there for business and of course I am going to meet the Yeoris' today.

“Where are we going?” He asked.

“No, you're not coming.” I said as I combed my hair.

“Why? Are you meeting the man from last night?” He scoffed. “Yes.” I answered, he just glared daggers at me. He stood up and got a coat from our baggage. “I'm coming.” He said with a straight face.

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