XL: A Fateful Encounter

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The sea was calm the whole journey, Az was asleep the whole time as well. I almost lost track of time as I felt too relaxed while watching the calm waves of the sea. The warm sun rays reflected through the deep blue waters, making it look like a a work of art.

"10 minutes!" The man outside shouted, probably pertaining to our time left before our arrival to Yeoris, the neighboring Empire of Bluistain. Yeoris' post was not as busy as Gleis, though it was busier than the port near Clye. The sight of an unfamiliar place was getting clearer as we get nearer on the port.

I gently tapped Az's shoulders, he soon woke up from his long slumber. "What?" He groggily asked with his deep 'just-woke-up' voice.

"We're close." I replied, packing out things that was on the table. The sisters, Therese and Rose was also packing their stuff, preparing to board off the ship. "We'll be going, bye Az." Rose said, as she winked to Az before leaving the room. Az just nodded as a response and leaned on the window, watching me pack our things.

I stood up, carrying my bag with all our things. "Let's go get ready." I said. Az lazily stood up and picked up his own bag. The two of us left the room, closing the door before us. We went to the dock where most of the passengers are. I felt the warm sun hit my skin, it's been months since I felt this kind of warmth, let alone see the sun before my eyes. I love Clye but it must have been better if I can see the sun there even for a little bit.

"We have arrived!" A man from the crew of the ship shouted, they anchored the ship near the port. They fixed the bridge-like tool from the port to the ship for us to get off.

Yeoris' port looks majestic, well not as beautiful as what we have in Gleis but it is still beautiful. There are a lot of stalls and people shouting about their products to sell. It looks normal and lively at the same time.

We got off the ship, Azrael walked behind me like a child scared of crowded places. I chuckled lightly, earning a slight nudge on my arm from Az. We walked around for a little bit, enjoying the new scenery.

"What now?" asked Az.

"We just need to travel to Yeoris' capital." I replied, I have no idea on how we'll get there. On the original book, my characters never went to Yeoris. It might have been mentioned two or three times but that is it.

"Excuse me, may I ask a question please?" I asked one of the vendors near the port. He smiled warmly at me and nodded. "How can we go to the capital?" I asked, once again.

"You just have to leave the port, by the port's entrance point, there'll be carriages going to the capital." He replied, showing me the direction of the entrance of the port.

We followed his direction and waited for the carriages. It is taking a while for it to be here. "I'm kind of hungry." I said, starting a conversation with Az who's silent the whole time. He did not respond so I looked back and saw him as pale as a ghost.

"Are you okay, Az?" I asked, worriedly. I gently put my hand on his forehead, he is ice cold.

"Az?" I called, he just looked at me.

"What's happening?" I asked again.

"Too hot." He managed to speak. I grabbed his arm and dragged him to a nearby tree for shade. "Why didn't you say something?" I asked, my voice was getting louder.

"Sorry." He replied, weakly.

"Stay here, I'll be back." I ran towards the port again, looking around to find anything that might cool Az down. I bought a black shawl and found a stall selling sorbet, which I definitely bought. This is my first time seeing familiar food in this world.
I went back to the tree where I left Az, I found him sitting under the tree and leaning on it's trunk.

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