XXX: Lena's Melody

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The winter on this area was too much compared to the winters I have experienced on Gleis. I have no idea where I am but I am sure that I am nowhere near that place I once called my home.

The fire crackles were the only sound that can be heard all throughout the cave, except the occasional snapping of twigs and the sound of the strong wind outside. Az were silent, I have found out that if I don't engage on talking, he won't either. Totally understandable though.

“Az?” I called, his soft hazel eyes reflected the light from the fire that was infront of us as he looked up to me.  “Hmm?” He responded.

“Where are we?” I asked.

“South of Clye.” He answered. I felt chills travelled through my spine and no, it isn't because of the cold. It's about how fate makes a fool of me. How relevant it is for me to walk through directly to Clye?

“Are you from Clye?” I asked, he just nodded in response. He rested his head on the cave wall behind him and closed his eyes, probably to get some rest.

It got silent once again. I haven't got the chance to ask Az about his life nor ask him who he is really. I know that trusting this quick would never be good for me. I may be a little comfortable but I know that I cannot leave my guard down.

I brushed my palms together as the fire wasn't enough to keep my hands warm. This type of cold sucks. My feet started to go numb, my outfit now isn't near enough to keep me warm.

“Cold?” He asked. I hesitantly nodded my head, too embarrassed to asked for more of his help. He stood up and stripped his fur coat from his body then he put it around my shoulder.

“I'm okay! You could use it!” I tried giving it back as all he was left was a white long sleeve-polo which was obviously thin as I can see the shape of his chest perfectly.

“My body, used to cold.”

“We could share it if you want?” I asked, my hands roam over the soft bear fur.

“Share?” He asked, confused.

“It's something that we do when there isn't enough for uh.. you know what, come here.” I said as I was finding it difficult to find the perfect words to explain and describe what sharing means.

He slowly walked towards me, I patted the empty area beside me to make him sit down and he did, leaving a meter of distance between us. It made me chuckle as he was being so adorable.

“Come closer, I won't bite.” He slowly scooted closer, I draped the fur coat around the both of us.

“This is what sharing is.” I said as he just nodded in response. It was warmer than before, his body heat, the fur coat and the fire gave me this sense of comfort. This cave has become cozy on an instant.
I noticed how Az isn't moving, he's frozen on the spot.

“Are you uncomfortable? I can move—”

“No, warm.” He cut me off. He nozzled his head on his knees just like a little kid.

We spent two days in the cave, Az was very skilled on hunting wild animals for our food and I am the one who picked edible fruits along the way. I am still not accustomed on this kind of weather but I don't have a choice anyway. Staying here with Az is better than my life as Lady Gleis who were abused and neglected by her own family.

“Why sad?” Az asked as he put the fish that he caught on the fire.

“I'm just thinking of something, don't worry.” I replied. Over the past few days that I spent with Az, I am now sure that he is a kind soul. He provided me everything that I might need, even hunted a bear just to harvest some fur to be made as a coat like what he has.

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