Come on man!!

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~~Kouign-amman cookies pov~~

I was with espresso in a room with the both of us trying to figure out how the hell we're going to find prune juice until we heard a knock on the door
"Enter its open" espresso murmured too deep into studying ways of kidnapping (so see if any would fit how prune juice was kidnapped) and the potion used on both prune juice and capsaicin.

It was clotted cream to my surprise

"Um greetings! You... both" clotted cream spoke but seemed uneasy for some reason.
"Consul" I bowed as espresso just nodded to deep in his work to acknowledge clotted cream, who cleared his throat
"We have suspicions on a house, I know that the search party is done but... in a cookie's reported there was someone, a hooded figure, giving something to one of the pearl legion, house oyster"
"You sure it isn't kids doing drug dealing?" Espresso muttered under his breath which made me giggle and left clotted cream stunned.
But out of the blue Madeleine bursts into the room
"Capsaicin is missing!!"

~~capsaicin cookie pov~~

My head hurt...

i had a throbbing headache, I should of stayed at the hospital. I look around the forest clueless on where I am feeling lightheaded every second I'm casted in the shadows. I try remaining in the moonlight hoping it will make the remains of the potion that was injected into me go away.
"Why does this always happen to-"
Then I somehow managed to walk so far into the forest that I was at the dock of the crème republic in the lower city as I stare in shock at the sight in front of me

One of the boats are missing..

'What the?' I thought to myself as I walked to the area where the boat used to be, knowing well that it was supposed to be here. After lock downs they only allows boats to exit after a few days, someone's hiding something, somewhere...

"Prune juice" I mutter under my breath as i then hear some shouts, I immediately turned but getting another of my head rushes falling backwards into the water behind me passing out

~~purple kale cookie POV~~

"Oy! Cap' theirs a cookie that fell in the waters!" I shouted as blue coral stared wide eyes immediately panicking. I gave him a slap on the head as captain spoke
"Well fetch them will ya! They'll drown or worst! Become- and they left" captain caviar spoke trailing off as me and blue coral rushed off to retrieve the cookie that had fallen, with captain not far behind.

Once we picked him up seeing it was one of the new comers captain caviar spoke
"Take them on board! Rap him up! Poor thing must be freezing, here I'll carry him" captain caviar put him on his back, placing his coat on the fire cookie so he didn't freeze rushing back to the boat.

Ello! I'm happy that you guys enjoyed the last chapter and I'm hoping you enjoyed this one! 🫶🏻🫶🏻

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