chapter 5

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December 20th, 2021
📍London, UK 🇬🇧

It was a lot later now, they had just gotten back from the after party and Georgina was now back alone in her hotel room. The second she shut the door, she received a FaceTime call from Noah - obviously.

"Gi, Gi, Giiiiii! Oh my god!" her bestfriend shouted through the phone, "Tell me everything that happeneddd!"

"Uh... I mean, I won this," the girl said, flashing her award at the screen.

"Hahaaa, yessss!" he said, clapping his hands in excitement, "Okay but now tell me about Jude Bellingham."

"What do you mean? Tell you what about Jude?" the girl acted clueless, she wasn't quite sure how Noah knew that she had been speaking to Jude.

"Oh my god, tell me you've seen the photos," the boy questioned, starting to worry Georgina now.

"No? What photos?" she hadn't had the chance to look through social media since getting back, she didn't what was being said about her at the moment.

"There's photos of you and Jude talking and- oh my god and you hugged??" Noah explained, whilst looking through more photos.

"I mean, yeh we did, but, like, it wasn't that serious, we were just talking," she elaborated, "shit I didn't realise there were cameras around at the time."

"Hahaa," Noah began laughing down the phone at the girl's ignorance.

"Noahhhh, this isn't funny," she groaned, "it was literally nothing, we had one conversation, that's it,"

"It's a little bit funny," he continued laughing.

"Oh my god, I hate you sometimes," obviously she was joking, but she had to make sure her best friend knew he was being stupid.

They stayed on the phone a while, chatting about other things that happened that night, not mentioning a certain footballers name. She scrolled through her instagram and recent DM's of people reacting to her award win; she loved seeing her fans reactions and how much they cared, they really made her feel appreciated and deserving of these sort of things.

Then she got a notification. She didn't really know how she was supposed to react to it.

*@Judebellingham started following you*

"Anyways, Noah, I'm going to bed, I'm knackered," she stated. True, she was exhausted, she also didn't want to tell him about what she had just seen, it wasn't a big deal anyways so why would she have to tell him?

"Okieee, I'll call you tomorrow and then you have to fly back out here, yeh?" he answered. Noah lived in the US and Georgina lived mostly in the UK unless she was filming anything that required her to be in a different part of the world.

"No, Noah, I've told you this, I'm going back out until after New Years," it did pain her to be away from her best friend for this long, but Christmas was a few days away and she wanted to spend that time with her family.

"Ohhh my god, your so boring."

Georgina just laughed at her friends nagging behaviour, "Ok, bye Noah, love you lots."

"Night Gi, love you," he answered and then hung up the call.

She went back to instagram to see that Jude had liked her most recent post, that she had uploaded only a few minutes ago after the award ceremony. She then stared at the 'follow back' button for a long time. She didn't know what to. She'd considered calling back Noah or her sister to ask for their opinion but then decided that they would probably only confuse her more. She also knew that the fans were already stirring the pot after seeing the photos of them talking, they were sure to notice them following each other. Why did they have to make everything so difficult?

She did it. She pressed 'follow back' without giving herself time to think about it. Maybe she'd regret that later. She turned her phone off, sat it on the bedside table and walked into the en-suite bathroom to do her night routine ready for bed.

She got herself settled back under the covers, not wanting to check her phone again today. After a lot a staring at the ceiling, she finally managed to fall asleep. Whatever was going on with Jude, could wait till the morning.


Jude was at in his room, thinking about the events of the night. He was trying to think about the girl but with Jobe dead asleep next to him, snoring louder than ever, it was sort of distracting him.

He scrolled through Georgina's instagram and looked at her most recent post from tonight. It was a collection of photos from the evening; images of her getting ready, her with her family and her on stage with the award. She looked good, he thought to himself, but if he liked the post or followed her someone would notice and the media would make a massive deal about it.

The fans were never subtle when it comes to celebrities dating people, especially not celebrities dating other celebrities, especially when it was Jude dating someone else.

He knew what following her would mean, the photos of them just simply having a conversation, were all people were talking about and he didn't want to bring more attention to the situation, however he wanted to speak to her again - just didn't know how.

He debated just privately messaging her or replying to her story but didn't have a clue what to say.

Then he accidentally double tapped the screen - well it wasn't an accident but that's what he was going to say if anyone questioned him about it. Then he just decided he might as well follow, people were going to talk about him liking her pictures anyway. Now he just hoped she followed him back so he didn't look like an idiot.

Jude didn't know why he was thinking about this so much, it wasn't like they would ever see each other again, or speak to each other. Why was he so stressed?

He put his phone face down on the bedside table of his hotel room, crossed his arms over his chest and tried to sleep and block out his thoughts and Jobe's snoring.

AN: irdk what im doing 😭 but anyways progress!

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