Chapter 6

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December 21st, 2021
📍London, UK 🇬🇧

Georgina had just woken up and was getting ready to leave the hotel and head back home for Christmas. She just got out the shower, and began to get changed in comfy clothes to travel in for a few hours.

She grabbed her grey sweats and a black, cropped t-shirt and popped her jewellery back on that she had left on the bathroom counter last night.

She was checking that everything was in her suitcase, when she heard a knock on the her hotel room door. It was 8am, who the hell would be here?

She opened the door just enough the see how it was, before her sister pushed the door open and run into the room, jumping onto the bed.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Mel questioned before even greeting her her sister.

"Tell you what?" Georgina pretended to act clueless, when in fact, she knew what this was going to be about.

"Don't play stupid. You and Jude?"

"I don't know what you're talking about... he followed me. That's it," Georgina didn't really know what to say, that was all that happened.

"Nothing more? You didn't even, like, text... or anything?" Mel said hesitantly, slightly confused.

"Nope," Georgina shrugged.

"Oh my days, you're so boring,"

"Excuse me," Georgina replied, throwing a pillow at her sister, "not my fault is it."

"Oi, you idiot," Mel said, throwing it back at her, "anyways, Mum said we need to leave in a minute, security's already here."

"Yeh, ok, gimme two minutes and I'll be out."

"Kk," the younger sister replied, getting up and leaving the room, going to meet with their parents.

Georgina gathered up the rest of her things, double checking that she wasn't about to leave something behind. She stepped out her room, locking the door behind her and then popping the key card back in her pocket.

She dragged her suitcase along the marble corridor, towards the stars, walking straight past the elevators. She took it step at a time, managing OK with her luggage.

"What on earth are you doing?" the girl heard a brummie accent from down the corridor, "lifts broken or something?" he said glancing at the rows of lifts next to them.

She turned around to be met with Jude Bellingham walking towards her. "No... I'm just not a big fan of lifts," she replied, she's never been too keen on them, something about them just freaked her out.

He just looked at her in amazement, trying to obtain a smirk from his face.

"What? It's not funny," she said, playfully rolling her eyes.

"Nah, I'm not laughing," he said, letting out a light chuckle under his breath, "give me that," and without even letting her respond, he grabbed her suitcase and began walking down the stairs.

"I was fine with that y'know," she argued.

"Mhm..." Jude responded and continued walking down, the girl following closely behind.

He handed her suitcase back once they reached the bottom and they continued walking into the front lounge of the hotel, shocked to see that both their families were there, once again, talking all together.

She walked off towards the front desk, completely walking past the six other people to prevent any questions from any of them. It was too early to be having these stupid discussions. She handed her rooms key card back to the lady and the front desk and Jude did the same with his before, going off their seperate ways with their seperate families.

They glanced back at each other one last time, he still had a big grin plastered across his face which made her smile a little.

Once Georgina and her were back in the comfort of their own car and her sister wasted no time in grilling her in what just happened.

"What the hell was that?"

"Oh my god, will you stop? He was helping me with my suitcase," Georgina answered.

"Awww, your already married."

"Jesus Christ, shut up," she was having enough of Mel's constant nagging now.

Their mother just glanced at them through the mirror at the front of the car, a small smile spread on her face.

Georgina put her headphones on, connecting them to her music, in attempt to block out her sisters noise when her phone buzzed.

She opened up her phone, headed to instagram and wasn't totally surprised to see who it was.


lmk next time u need a hand yeh?

mhm i'll keep that in mind

glad to hear it 😊

She smiled a little at her phone and rested her head in the palm of her hand, trying to conceal the growing grin, fighting it's way onto her face. She peered over to her sister, side eyeing her, Georgina just looked away and turned to face back out the window.

She didn't know what was going to happen with her and Jude at the moment, she did know however, that whatever was happening was going to have to wait a while. She had a two hour drive back to her hometown to spend time with her family for Christmas. That was more important than what was happening with Jude.

AN: slightly shorter chapter sorry 😭

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