chapter 25

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January 22nd, 2022
📍Milan, Italy🇮🇹

After a few more days of press and travel, Georgina and her co-stars had now landed in Italy, in continuation of the 'Stranger Things' press tour.

Currently, Georgina was sat in her hotel room joined with Sadie. This room was nice. They usually stay a nice hotels anyway, besides can't complain with traveling around the world with some of your best friends, staying in nice hotels for free and being able to call that your job.

Georgina sometimes wonders what she did to get this lucky with her life. From growing up with not a lot to now doing this, all at 17, was insane to her. She has to constantly remind herself how fortunate she is to be in this situation.

Whilst scrolling through her phone, Georgina let out a subtle gasp before getting up and scrambling through her case in search for something.

"What are you doing?" the American girl asked from the other side of the room.

"Tryna find my laptop," Georgina answers, still digging through her suitcase, "ah, found it."

Georgina dove back on to the bed, beside Sadie, before aggressively typing away at the keys.

"Oh my God, is this Jude?" Sadie gasps pondering at the screen.

"Maybe.." Georgina responds once she'd found the Dortmund game. Today they were playing Hoffenheim away - Jude had previously mentioned that it could be a difficult game, but as usual he ended with confidence that his team would win.

Ten minutes into the game and Erling Haaland had already scored, making it 1-0 to Dortmund - however the opposing team managed to get an equaliser just before the end of half-time.

"Is that it?" Sadie asked as the half-time whistle blew.

"What?" Georgina stated, giving the redhead a disapproving look.

"Don't look at me like that," she laughed, "I don't know how this stuff works! I'm American! We don't watch this!"

"Okay, yeh, sorry sorry," Georgina nodded in agreement, "still got another 45 minutes of this yet though."

This just caused Sadie to groan and tilt her head back, "how do you not find this boring? Are you bored? I'm bored."

"Hey, I'm not forcing you to watch this," the blonde defended.

"No.. but-"

"But what?" Georgina interrupted.

"You're all cute and in love, and I love that for you so want to watch it and see you all cute and in love, but fuck me, footbal is boring," Sadie blurted, definitely been holding that in all game.

Georgina just bursted out into laughter, "Woahhh, Sads! All cute and in love? I don't think so, not just yet."

"Oh, come on!" Sadie now turned so she was sat up on her knees facing Georgina on the bed, "you so love him!"

"No I don't, what are you talking about? Oh my days," she rolled her eyes.

"Yes you do, you so do. You're in love! Gina's in love!" Sadie taunts.

Georgina grabs a pillow and launched it towards the other girl before she had a chance to continue - however it didn't take her long to continue asking questions.

"Rude," Sadie complains, tossing the pillow to the floor, "when are you next seeing him anyways?"

"When we go to Spain."

"On tour?"

"Yep, and don't get any ideas, I swear to god," Georgina warned, pointing her finger, before Sadie had the chance to say anything.

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