Chapter 4

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28 October 2024
"Please open up your textbooks to page 56..." the door opens up. "Okay class before we continue I want to introduce you guys to your new classmate, Chantelle Tompson. She will be continuing the rest of the semester with us." I waved back " Go find yourself a seat, the rest of you open to the page and lets continue." I scanned across the classrom till I found an empty seat. People looked at me as I walked by, it made me feel oddly uncomfortable but I ignored them and continued on. "Psst I don't think you should be siting there." I turned around to see a girl with the most captivating eyes. They were a mixture of brown and green which complimented her skin which, when in the sun, it just kept glowing, it was as though she was melting perfectly like warm cup of hot chocolate. She had short, dark black, curly hair. She wore a full pink suit, you would think she was on her way to go to the Barbie Movie Premiere. She smelt like strawberries and the energy oozing out of her was one of money and confidence. "By the way my name is Eliana." "Whats the problem if I sit over here?" I asked a little irradiated. "Because this seat is-" "Taken by me." I turned around and scanned the man in front of me till our eyes locked, he was a man of asian decent. He was similar to a skyscraper in height, for me to be able to see his face I had to tilt my head all the way up, his amazing features made him a sight to look at. He had the built of a man from the army and from the tone of his voice you could hear the power and authority that he had. His Cologne had an intoxicating smell which made him standout more compared to the rest. He's eyes showed no emotion, it was almost deadly, which intrigued me more about him. "They said I could sit anywhere." I said and he gave me a glance that sent shivers down my spine, but still I didn't move. He lowered his head down to my neck and whispered in my ear "Nobody questions what I say, so move or else-" "Not too much now Asian boy, the girl just arrived" A smirk appeared on his face as he turned to her "Eliana, you're still here, who would have thought a pretty girl like you would last this long." He chuckled "Tell your little friend to get out my seat." "My names Chantelle" he turned to face me but before he could say anything the lecturer interrupted, "Kai, you come late and disrupt my class. Be quiet and find yourself a seat." He glared at me once more, "Chantelle just come sit with me aint nobody got energy for him" I just got up and moved next to her. Now I got an explanation to why everyone was staring at me earlier. During the whole lesson I could feel his fiery gaze burning a whole inside me, I could barely concentrate on what the lecturer was saying. Who is this Kai guy and why is everyone so afraid of him...

Why wasn't I afraid. I'm already off to a bad start, making enemies on my first day. Isn't that just my luck.

After class...
As I was walking towards the dorms with Eliana, "Don't worry too much about him he's usually an ass." A smile formed on her face "Do y'all know each other?" I asked. "Personally no, but he got a problem with me since I'm a girl who loves pink but wants to pursue law." "When you put it like that he is an ass." We both giggled "Yeah don't pay too much attention to him and you'll be good. New friends though?" "Yeah imma need you especially after today." She laughed "Nah girl, you got it." "But what's the deal with him though, everyone seemed so scared of him" she sighed "For all I know its all rumors but as a future lawyer, he is innocent till proven guilty" I looked at her with a wary expression "What rumors?" We stopped dead in our tracks "Its more of the work his family does. Many people say that he isn't an actual learner on campus, that he has so much blood on his hands and his father is a dangerous man." "That's a lot for one person" "Yeah, so just take my advice and stay far away from him" she had a serious expression on her face while she said that. Part of me wanted to listen to her but the other part of me felt like there's more to the story than people are making it out to be.

Later that week...
"You can't actually be spending your weekend stuck in your room." I ignored her "Look, theres a party tonight and we're going!" I ignored her once again "Cmon, I swear, you'll have fun and plus who doesn't like partying. In a sarcastic tone I replied, "This gal!" She dragged me by my arm "Lets get you dressed." Why me I thought. I'm not someone who enjoys partying, especially since I haven't been close enough to anyone to get an invite. It was unusual for me and I hate uncertainty. But what choice did I have, Eliana was way to determined, so I was stuck. We went to her closet and Oh...My...Goodness... she has one of everything. It almost amazes me how someone could come ready for any occasion. My whole entire outfit designed and made by her, not sure how I feel about it. I will say she was creative with it since she had a almost everything, so choosing wasn't difficult, I hope I don't end up regretting this.

Amara's mom (Emaline)
"Please take care of her." "You don't need to worry ma'am, I got this." "Take this" hands him a folder "This is all the information you need to carry out everything accordingly. Just make sure to stick to the plan." "Of course ma'am" "If anything happens or goes wrong you'll let me know immediately" "Yes ma'am" " And make sure nobody finds out about this, or else it will cause havoc."

Meanwhile (Kai)...
On the phone with my dad...
"你找到她了吗?" (Did you find her?) "不,爸爸,你说过她会在教室里" (No dad, you said she would be in the classroom) "妈的,我的人就是这么说的。任何新来者" (Shit, that's what my people said. Any new comers?) "只是这个另一个烦人的女孩" (Just this annoying girl.) "她叫什么名字?" (What's her name?) "Chantelle" "姓?" (Last name?) "还需要了解一下." (Still need to find out) "当你这样做时,请告诉我。" (when you do let me know), he hung up the phone. My dad keeps pestering me about finding this mystery girl. He told me to watch out for a girl named Amara Brown, he also said that she will be attending this criminal justice class (So by default I am forced to attend). Chantelle sounds nothing like that but she could be using a fake name, that's why he's looking for the surname, to he sure that she's the one to look out for. I don't know how I'm going to get close enough to her to get that information but its what I need to do, I have to. Its the only way we can truly avenge 我的母亲 (my mother).

But at as much as I want to avenge my mother and make her proud, there's something about this girl that's drawing me in. The look I seen in her eyes just tells a whole new different story, something tragic perhaps but there's more beneath that facade that she's putting on display for the world. A story worth unraveling, one that I will take pride in unveiling...

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