22 - Seungmin issue

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Seungmin issue 

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Seungmin issue 

Riley, Robin, and Jisoo were the next ones to arrive, surprising everyone by not being late this time. Jisoo handed everyone their drinks, confessing that she was the one paying for them and not Riley before sitting down next to her girlfriend.

"How much was it?" Bora asked, opening her phone again. "It doesn't matter," Jisoo shook her head, but before she could even notice, Bora was sending her money. "Hey!" Jisoo's eyes widened and she tried to take the phone away from her. "Leave it, it's my treat," the taller female proclaimed, smiling at the pink haired girl.

"You're paying for all of us?? I should have ordered more then!" Robin whined, taking the place next to Jisoo as Riley sat down between her and Alaska, making a full circle.

"Robin should be the one paying next time," Astran proclaimed with a little chuckle, making the purple haired girl argue immediately.

"You could probably just ask Jisung and he would pay for it instead of you anyway," Riley commented, others nodding to her. "Oh god, I swear he is so cute," Robin proclaimed, not even denying what Riley said. "I'd kiss him if he was here."

"You'd kiss who?" the black haired girl asked, walking next to the younger brunette. "It looks like you started talking about all the tea while we were getting you McDonald's."

"And you didn't even leave any space for us!" Izzy exclaimed, sulking. All she wanted to do at that moment was drop the food bags into the sand.

Hana shook her head at her two best friends, moving closer to Bora to create another spot between her and Astran. Bora also moved closer to her girlfriend, her right hand on Jisoo's back.

Riley shared a glance with the younger girl, smiling, before turning her head towards the McDonald's Izzy brought.

"Girls, your coffee," Jisoo proclaimed, moving the two cups she was saving until now to them. Izzy grinned as she took her iced caramel macchiato, while Amy thanked Jisoo for her vanilla latte.

The group of ten took apart the food, everyone happy to have some snacks, too. "So, there's a lot we need to talk about," Izzy proclaimed, placing her cup to the side. "First of all, we need to solve this Seungmin issue. After that, you three are texting your crushes, I don't care." She proclaimed towards the trio opposite her. "After that I might tell you some tea too, because I have news."

"We already know you're dating Hyunjin, we don't need to hear it again," Amy scoffed. "Shut up, my tea involve you," Izzy rolled her eyes at the older female, catching her attention immediately. "What?"

"No," Izzy shook her head. "Seungmin issue first."

"Can we not call it a Seungmin issue?" Hana looked at the brunette next to her. "It's not...an issue," she mumbled. "Not really."

"If it wasn't an issue we wouldn't be here," Alaska commented, making the black haired girl sigh.

"Okay maybe it's a small issue, but maybe I don't need to think about it at all, you all said before to not pay attention to it if I am not sure."

"What if I was to say you should pay attention to it now?" Izzy looked carefully at her, apology written all over her eyes. She cared about Hana so much, she didn't want to stress her out, or force her to deal with the situation. But because she cared about her so much, she also knew she had to do so, so she could be happy. 

"What?" They all glanced at her, not even eating anymore.

Izzy looked down for a second, rethinking her words. She sighed, looking at her friends again. "I talked to Hyunjin earlier. I promised not to say anything, but I know Seungmin likes you, Hana. He told them," she admitted hesitantly.

Hana's eyes widened. She had no idea what to do, but she knew that it was actually happening now. A celebrity liked her. For reasons she couldn't understand even if she wanted to.

Seungmin likes you. She repeated those words inside her head, over and over again. He told them. He told his friends he liked her. 

She slowly started sorting out all of her thoughts, not paying attention to anything her friends were talking about until she heard a voice she didn't recognize.

They all stopped talking, hearing the quiet "Excuse me" coming from somewhere behind Astran. The group of ten turned to the dark haired girl, who just spoke, trying to see if any of them recognized her. Based on their reactions, Hana guessed that wasn't the case. "I am so sorry for interrupting," the girl started shyly, making Hana feel sorry for her as she knew exactly how she must have felt. She herself hated approaching people she didn't know. 

She didn't look much older than Hana so she assumed they must have been the same age. Hana looked at her properly, immediately feeling jealous of her looks. She was beautiful, and Hana just wished she could be as pretty as her.

Izzy was the first one to speak up towards her, interrupting Hana's thoughts. "It's fine," she smiled at the girl. "Do you need help with something?"

"No, nothing like that," she said, embarrassed, waving her hands in the air. "Uhm, actually...I just wanted to say you're really pretty," she admitted, trying her best to hold the eye contact with the brunette. "And maybe, if you don't mind, ask for your number."

"Ah," Izzy smiled, shaking her head. It was cute in her eyes. "Sure," she nodded, watching her walk closer. Bora next to her nudged her shoulder, "you have a boyfriend, don't you?"

"I know, I know," she rolled her eyes. "Doesn't mean I can't make new friends. Plus, she is cute, you have to admit that."

"I agree," Jisoo nodded, making Bora glance at her immediately. The pink haired girl chuckled, pulling her girlfriend in for a kiss to show that she was just joking.

"I didn't expect that," Mya mumbled, watching Izzy write her number into the girl's phone. "Neither did I," Riley commented. "Actually, I am not even surprised," Alaska joined in. "I bet Hyunjin would freak out if he saw this," she chuckled, taking another bite of her food.

"What's your name?" Izzy asked, looking up at the girl as she took the phone from her. "Ashley," she answered, glancing at her own friends at the side who were excitedly waiting for her.

"Well, nice to meet you, Ashley," the Japanese girl smiled, putting her name into the contact info. "I hope we can be great friends," she gave her back her phone, making her smile, too. She nodded, agreeing. "Your boyfriend is very lucky."

"Thank you, I think your future partner will be very lucky too," Izzy proclaimed, watching the girl walk away. "Wasn't she so cute?" She turned to her friends immediately, making them laugh. "You should text Hyunjin to fly here soon or you'll end up having a girlfriend instead," Amy laughed, glancing at the girl that just managed to get Izzy's number.

"I am not going to get a girlfriend," Izzy rolled her eyes at her. "But he should definitely fly here soon, I want to meet him."

"Don't worry, he is definitely going to take the first chance he has and bring all of the other boys, too," Alaska assured her. "Good," Izzy grinned.

Just when Astran was about to ask what they were even talking about before Ashley came to them, their phones buzzed at the same time, which made them assume some of the boys texted into their group chat. But when Hana opened her phone to see the texts she found out that wasn't the case. Because she didn't get any new messages. Everyone else did, just she didn't. It almost felt as if they were all in some secret group chat without her.

Only if she knew she wasn't far from the truth. 

𝐮𝐩 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 • 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐒𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐦𝐢𝐧जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें