33 - flying

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The group of eight walked out of the restaurant, in a rush to get to the airport on time. They decided to have lunch before leaving Korea, thinking they had plenty of time, but eating took them longer than they planned.

"Can't you go faster?" Jisung moved closer to the seat in front of him, looking over Hyunjin's shoulder at the cars in front of them. "I just got my license, I don't need it to be taken away already just because you and Felix took forever to finish your food," he answered, glancing at him through the rearview mirror.

"We'll be there on time, don't worry," Chris, sitting on the seat next to Hyunjin, assured him. "The airport is not that far away, we'll get there soon."

The other car, driven by Minho, was a lot calmer about the whole situation. No one was asking how much longer it would take to get to the airport, no one was talking, and no one was telling Minho to speed up.

However, even though they didn't show it like the other four boys did, they were stressing inside as much, if not more. In fact, Minho was the most anxious about it. Even though he would never admit it, he wanted to meet Amy already, and get to know her more like they promised to each other.

Seungmin was on his phone, pretending to not care at all, while he was just staring at the time the whole ride. This was his change, this was his time, and he couldn't be late and miss the flight. Because that would mean he would lose his chance too. 

Jeongin and Felix were more at ease, but they still wanted to make it on time. Felix would blame himself if they couldn't make it. After all, he took the longest to finish his food. 

Changbin sighed, taking his suitcase out of the car when they parked. "I can't believe we made it."

"We still aren't on the plane, don't curse it," Felix said right away, also taking out his suitcase. "We have time, don't worry," Chris had to assure them again, leading the way to the entrance once everyone had their things and the cars were locked.

"Minnie, what time is it?" Hyunjin walked closer to the younger boy, still following Chan. Seungmin showed him his phone, making him nod. 2:02pm. Hyunjin sped up immediately, catching up on Chan to lead the way with him. Their plane was taking off shortly after 2:40 and they still needed to get through security.

"Chan, we are late," Hyunjin informed him, making the elder glance at him. "I am aware," he answered, looking at the board with all the flights in front of them. "We just have to hope we'll get through security faster than last time," he sighed, looking back at his friends.

Thankfully, the group managed to get to their gate right on time. When the flight attendant was just about to close the gate, Jisung ran to her, stopping her from doing so. "You got here last minute," she sighed, letting them walk through so they could get into their plane, walking right behind them to get in too.

Felix put his bag next to his seat, glancing over at Changbin who was just passing by to sit behind him. "Did you figure out when we'll be landing?" He wondered. Changbin put down his bag, leaning on the younger boy's seat. "Should be around eleven. We'll get into our hotel and go sleep right away," he proclaimed, looking around the plane to see where everyone was sitting.

Surprisingly, they were the only ones flying by first class today. Usually, at least one or two other people were on the plane , but not this time. Thanks to that, the two seats in the front were empty. Jeongin sat on the left right behind them, Minho right across the aisle next to him.

Seungmin was right behind Jeongin, already searching for a movie on the screen in front of him, while Chan, who's place was right behind him, was talking to Hyunjin who was in front of Felix.

"At eleven? Ah, I wanted to go to Robin's right away," Jisung whined, sitting down too. Changbin glanced over at him, shaking his head. "It's not like you can't," Felix shrugged. "But I can assure you you will be tired when we land," Changbin chuckled. "Just go see her the next morning, that won't kill you."

"It might kill me," Jisung proclaimed, making the older boy roll his eyes at him.

Eventually, everyone was sitting down in their places, doing their own things as the plane got into the air. Seungmin and Hyunjin were both watching their k-dramas, while Chris and Changbin were working on new lyrics, each one on their own.

Minho and Felix ended up watching a movie too, while Jeongin was just listening to music, looking out of the window. Jisung just sat in his place, watching the two older members of 3racha work on songs while he had a drama playing on his screen. 

He wasn't really paying attention to what was going on in the show until he heard her name. He glanced at the screen immediately, wondering which character shared the same name with the girl he liked. "My Robin is prettier," he mumbled, not even realizing what he was saying, or that he said it out loud.

Changbin looked over at him, ready to tease him. "Did you just say your Robin?" He asked, making Jisung take down his headphones. "What?" The older male chuckled, repeating his question. He could see Jisung's cheeks getting redder as he realized what he did. "You really are a simp," he laughed, shaking his head at him. "You better make a move on her when you go see her, I don't think you can call her yours when you aren't even dating," he said, looking back at the lyrics he wrote down until now.

"You go make a move on Astran," Jisung blurted out immediately, putting his headphones back on so he could pay attention to the show on his screen instead of the fact his cheeks were red.

 He knew Changbin was right, he needed to talk to her already or he would go crazy soon. 

𝐮𝐩 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 • 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐒𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐦𝐢𝐧Where stories live. Discover now